Chapter | 18

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18 | Fuck Up

~ Fuck excuses,
learn to admit when you fuck up.

- - -


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"Damn! How much more are you going to drink?!" Tyliah laughed while handing me the beer I requested.

I sat on a barstool and shrugged.

We were over at our local bar.

I chugged down another bottle. It was only my fourth so I should be fine.

"Aren't you a little too young to be drinking?" Tyliah started with a smirk and I glared at her, "I'm 21 years old."

"You don't even look like the type to drink-" Ty continued and I grumbled underneath my breath, "-I'm mad."

I laid against the counter.

"And frustrated..." I mumble.

Ty ruffled up my hair, "You'll be fine."

I looked up at her annoyed.

"You can go home now."

"Do you really want me to?" She chuckled and I gave her a straight expression. "I'm telling you to."

"Not until you tell me what's up with you and Jae?" Ty questioned.

I threw a beer bottle at her.

"Why do you care!"

"Damn! You trying to kill me?!" Ty laughed loudly catching the bottle.

"I told you to leave..." I mumble.

She raised her hands. "Fine. Chill," She said before laughing. "Bye puppy dog."

She ruffled up my hair again then left.

I ignored her and drunk until I was numb.

Five more bottles later...

I understand how Young M.A felt now.

A finger snapped in front of my face but I barely acknowledged it.

"You okay?" A voice said and I mumbled, "Yeah. I'm leaving-" I began to get up.

"-Aye. Holdup. Wait a minute." An arm grabbed my wrist and I instinctively pulled away from them. "I have to go."

"Just finish this then you can go-" A drink was handed to me and I mumbled, "Nah... I wanna go home-" "-Then I can. I'll take you home," The voice said and that felt like a good idea at the moment.

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