Telling King about Samantha

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*the next day*

Man I feel so good. Laying next to the love of my life and the mother of my two wonderful sons is something worth celebrating. I thought I lost her for good and Eli and King wouldn't have their mama in their lives. To be here right now in this moment makes me happy. Watching Cyn sleep so peacefully is a sight to see. She looks so good. Makes me want to make love to her almost. I'm such a perv but hey who isn't. We still have to tell King about Samantha and how he feels about having a sister. I know this will overwhelm him a little. I know Cyn wants her child but at the same time she may want to let her live her life where she's at. Cyn has a heart and honestly I don't know which way she would go and how she feels at the moment. My son is crying so I will talk with y'all later. Mommy's coming Eli 

Erica:*walking into his nursery* Hey man *picking him up* What's wrong with mommy's sexy man *rubbing his back* 

Eli:*crying harder* 

Erica:*walking around the room* Is my sexy man hungry 

Eli:*crying and baby gibberish* 

Erica:*lays him back in the crib* Let me warm you up a bottle *goes to the bottle warmer and sits his bottle in the warmer* Eli give mommy a minute 

Eli:*crying and shaking his legs* 

Erica:*grabs the bottle* Okay Eli I'm coming *walking to the crib and picks him up and sits in the chair* Here you go Eli *giving him the bottle*

Eli:*drinks the bottle really fast and looks at Erica*

Erica: Awe my sexy man was hungry huh *smiling while looking down at him* 

Eli:*rubs Erica's hands*

Erica: I love you my little heart breaker *kissing his forehead* 

Eli:*stops sucking and cries*

Erica: What's wrong sexy man

Eli:*faces is red from crying*

Erica: Please tell me you are still not hungry. You just drunk a whole bottle of breast milk man *goes to get another bottle and puts it in the warmer* Give me a minute Eli 


Erica: Aye chill Eli this what we not gon do *grabs the bottle* Here

Eli:*stops crying and drinks the bottle* 

Erica: A shame *shakes her head laughing* You are your mama's son 

Cyn:*walks in the room* Who's my son...Hey Eli my little sexy man 

Erica: He is....This is his second bottle babe 

Cyn: He was that hungry babe did you deprive my baby of his milk 

Erica: Naw I fed my son he's just like you when it comes to the food

Cyn:*laughing* I guess he really did inherit that from me 

Erica: Among other things *smiling*

Cyn; Keep playing Erica *walking out the room smiling* 

Erica: Man I love that woman right there Eli *talking to Eli* She's the best thing that ever happened to me besides King and you *kissing his forehead* There's nothing I wouldn't do for y'all. I will make it my lifes mission to give y'all the world. I wouldn't trade none of y'all for nothing in this crazy world. 

Eli:*stops drinking* 

Erica: You done now *burping him* 

Eli:*burps and laughs* 

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