King Misses His Mama Cyn

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King: Mommy

Erica: Yes King

King: Is mama coming back to see me

Erica: I don't know King

King: I really want to see her

Erica: Me too King *laying down next to him*

King: I wish I could just talk to her for a minute

Erica:*tears falling* I miss her everyday King

King: Can we call her mommy

Erica: I don't know King

King: Please mommy *pouting with the lips out*

Erica:*sighs* Fine King......Yo know I can't resist that face


Erica:*scrolls through her contacts*

King: Find it yet mommy

Erica: Yes King *tapping her contact* It's ringing son

Cyn: Hello

King: Mama

Cyn: King what's going on

King: I miss you mama...I want to see you

Cyn: King I miss you too but I can't see you

King: Why mama

Cyn: King mommy and I aren't together anymore and things are different now King

King:*sniffling* Mama I want you here...I can't take this anymore. I want to see you

Erica: King baby give me the phone

King:*shouts* NO.....I WANT MAMA NOW

Erica: Boy who you yelling at

King: Sorry mommy

Erica: Give me the phone

King: Fine *sighs and hands her the phone* I'm going to bed

Erica: Night son *walks out the room*

Cyn: Um hello Erica

Erica: Shit....Sorry Cyn

Cyn: Why is he acting like that

Erica: He's spoiled Cyn.....You spoiled him a lot when we were together

Cyn: I know *chuckles* I have to go

Erica: I guess I 'll talk to you later

Cyn: Yeah I guess....Bye Erica *hangs up*

Erica: Bye Cyn *hangs up* I gotta get her back no matter what

*1 week later*

So my birthday is coming and I am excited. Libra Gang stand up. I have the best sign cause we balance out any sign we are dating. Joe and I are still together and everything is going. I've been thinking about King ever since our talk on the phone. He really misses me and I do think about him. Erica is right I did use to spoil King like he was my own. I do miss that smile of his. I will be going to LA soon so maybe I should stop by and see them both. It would be nice to see Erica again. See how she is doing.

Stella: So what's been going on Cyn

Cyn: Nothing much

Stella: How are things with you and Joe

Cyn: Great

Stella: What's going on Cyn....Something is bothering you

Cyn: Nothing is wrong Masi

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