Mission: Get Cyn Back Part 2....Someone Gets Shot

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*later that night*

So Ace Peter and myself are on the way back to the hotel room to go over what we got. I hope Peter got something cause my heart can't take this shit anymore. We have got to get Cyn back quickly. From the looks of what Raul told me this bitch nigga got one of Cyns blood working for him. Why would they do that to Cyn. I thought they loved her. At least I know she has a little girl name Samantha Jasmine Riley and she lives with this couple Matt and Laura and they look like loving people but I need to get to them before Keishaun does. 

Ace: Where's Peter at 

Erica: He's coming

Ace: So how do you feel about the possibility of raising another child 

Erica: It feels surreal but I don't want to take her away from her family 

Ace: What does Cyn want 

Erica: She wanted this little girl to be safe and loved and that's what's going on and to rip her from it would be detrimental 

Ace: So what's the next step 

Erica: When Peter gets here we will discuss it....I'm going to take a shower to clear my mind

Ace: Take your time E

Erica:*grabs her clothes and walks to the bathroom* 

Ace:*turns on the TV while sitting on the couch* What a day *shaking his head* 

*knock on the door* 

Ace:*walks to the door and peeps out the peephole* Who is it 

Peter: It's me dumb bitch...Open the door 

Ace:*laughs while opening the door* What's good Peter

Peter:*laughing* Your a fucking idiot....Where's Mena at 

Ace: She's taking a shower to clear her head but she will be out in a few 

Peter: Okay cool, I will be in the other room changing my clothes 

Ace: Okay 

Peter:*walks out the room*

Erica:*comes out the bathroom* Did I hear Peter

Ace: Yes but he went to change and he will be back 

Erica: Well let's look through this stuff one more time 

Ace: Well it says here they love in San Diego and they have good paying jobs 

Erica: Any siblings 

Ace: No 

Erica: When we get back to Cali I will send you and Peter to the address to stake out and I will be spending some time with my boys 

Ace: That's cool cause I know they miss you like crazy 

Erica: More than you know 

Peter:*walking back into the room* 

Erica: Peter how did it go 

Peter: She was hesitant at first but we talked and I see you got the info for an address and I have a feeling she will tell Ray and he will talk to Cyn 

Erica: We don't need that 

Ace: You want to take care of her

Erica: No but we need to keep a watch on her

Peter: My homie can do it 

Erica: Do it.....Let's get some sleep cause we have an early morning flight to catch 

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