Baby Shower Time.....With Drama

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*3 months later* 

It's been three months and I am seven months pregnant. Two more months until this baby is out of me. Shad has been coming to the appointments but I know he is planning something. I need to keep my eyes on him. I have been and he has been secretly meeting with someone, but for now I need to focus on this baby shower. Cyn and I have been working on this baby shower for 2 months now and we are here and it's time. I can't wait to see family and friends I haven't seen in a while. My dad told me that my Uncle Eric is coming. He's my dad's oldest brother and I am named after him. I can't wait to see him. We were always close up until I ran away. Cyn is at the place getting last minute things put into place and I am at the house with King and my parents

Brian: How do you feel baby girl 

Erica: Big 

Sonia: You are perfect Erica 

Brian: I can't believe we about to have another grandchild 

Erica: I know you will spoil this one just as much as you spoil King, Samantha, and TJ

Brian: You know I got to spoil my grandsons 

Sonia: I get to spoil my only granddaughter

Erica: We also reveal the sex of the baby too 

Brian: I hope it's a girl 

Erica: Me too *smiling* A princess of my own 

Brian: I want another grandson though 

Erica: No more boys 

King: I want a little sister *sitting next to Erica* 

Erica: Why you want a little sister 

King: I can protect her from the evil boys and I get to walk her to school and play with her and show her right from wrong and teach her how to read and things like that 

Erica: You will be the best big brother ever 

King: I know 

Sonia: What time is it Brian 

Brian:*looks at his watch* 1 o'clock 

Erica: I think we better get going cause it takes about an hour to get there from here 

Sonia: What time does it start

Erica 2:30

Brian: Yeah we better get moving 

Erica: It's an hour away so let's get a move on 

Sonia: Where are we going 

Erica: Anaheim 

King: Let's go cause I haven't seen mama all day and I am ready to see her 

Erica:*walking out the door laughing* Daddy could you turn on the alarm and then lock up 

Brian: Sure baby girl 

After he did all that they all got in the two trucks and headed out 

*meanwhile with Cyn* 

This shit is driving me crazy. I am getting last minute shit ready for today. I am so excited about today. We get to reveal the sex of the baby and I wonder what the sex is. We told the doctor to hand us an envelope and we will take it to the top bakery and let them bake a cake revealing the sex of the baby. Today is gonna be filled with so much fun and laughter and enjoyment. 

Stella: Cyn where do you want the three chairs and table at 

Cyn: Sit it over there

Stella: Okay 

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