This Shit Ends Here

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*the next day* 

I got up around 3 in the morning thinking about Eli and is he okay that I texted Shad and not even two seconds later he texted back and said he was still stable and the doctors will be in to check on him around 8. So right now I am just praying and hoping that everything will be great with Eli. Watching Cyn sleeps keeps me at peace. Knowing that she is right here beside me makes me feel better. The family is still in Dubai and they are having fun. King is in a funk because Cyn and I aren't there and he just wants to be under us all the time. Enough about that. This dude that claims that Cyn and I are together illegally. Cyn and I aren't married to any one and I still want to marry this woman. Trust we will deal with this punk bitch but right now Eli is our main focus

Erica:*holding Cyn and rubbing back*

Cyn:*stirs in Erica's arms*

Erica:*kissing Cyns forehead* 

Cyn:*opens her eyes* Morning beautiful 

Erica: Morning My Queen *smiling* 

Cyn: I felt you move so everything okay with Eli

Erica: Yeah he's still stable and we need to be there around 8 for the doctor's prognosis 

Cyn: Okay babe...What time is it *sitting up* 

Erica:  5 am

Cyn: Let's just go ahead and get dressed and then head to the hospital 

Erica: That's fine with me 

Cyn:*getting up* 

Erica: Cyn 

Cyn: Yes E

Erica: Who was that punk ass in the chapel 

Cyn: Can we talk about that later 

Erica: Sure 

Erica and Cyn get ready about an hour and a half later they are out the door and heading to the hospital. Meanwhile their families are enjoying themselves in Dubai and King is still upset that his mothers left him behind

Sonia:*sitting next to King* What's wrong King 

King: Nana I just wanted to be with my mothers and see my little brother 

Sonia: I know but right now they didn't want to overwhelm him 

King: It's whatever nana

Sonia: King, Cyn and Erica love you more than anything in the world and for you to be this upset over not going is crazy

King: It's whatever nana *walking upstairs with tears falling*

Sonia: I don't know what has gotten to him

Brian: He's a mama's boy 

Sonia: No he isn't 

Brian: Yes he is babe......Before Cyn King never wanted to be around Erica this much because he has always kept to himself

Sonia: He's not a mama's boy though 

Brian: He wants to be under Cyn more than anything 

Jenn: I would have to agree with Brian on this one Sonia....He's too clingy to them 

Sonia: He is their son 

Jason: We know but he wants them 

Brian: Jason we have to go 

Sonia: Where are y'all going 

Jason: Somewhere with Albee....Too many women in here *laughing* 

Jenn: Hurry back papi *kissing him* 

Jason: Oh I will 

Jason Brian and Albee all left and headed to look for a ring for Erica. Sonia Jenn Whit China and Stella all talked while King was upstairs sleeping

*meanwhile with Erica and Cyn* 

I know Erica has questions and she will get the answers to those questions soon. I just need to figure out how to deal with this shit on my own. Yeah I know anytime we try to fix shit on our own it never works out for us in the end. I at least have to try. Right Erica is nagging me about telling her what's going on

Erica: Babe are you gonna tell me what's going on now 

Cyn: Erica now isn't a good time 

Erica: Now is the perfect time Cyn.....I can't focus on Eli knowing you have secrets and you don't want to tell me about them 

Cyn: Erica it's nothing and our focus should always be on our sons 

Erica: I know Cyn but just tell me what he's talking about us illegally being together 

Cyn:*sighs* You really want to know 

Erica: Yes Cyn....I want to know everything good or bad.....I want to know

Cyn: Before we got together I was with this man for about three years. After Ray and I split up I was so down that I went to the club and got way too turnt and this dude saw how I was and he decided to help me 


Cyn: After I got to know this man and grew to love him we became serious after maybe about five months. I was really feeling him and everything. We became serious and one thing led to another and we became so serious that we decided to get married 


Cyn: Keishaun and I got married and then that's when it became different. He put his hands on me and he was violent towards me and I couldn't take it anymore and so I left his ass....He was an abuser Erica and I left him. I wanted to get a divorce so my parents helped me with that *wiping her tears* I knew I was young and stupid Erica but I was in love and being in love makes you do some crazy shit. Once I got the papers I signed them and then returned them and I thought he did the same thing so I went on with my life and that's when I met you E and you broke me down to the point where I got with you and we had our ups and downs that ultimately led to our destruction of a relationship. Then so on 

Erica:*wiping her tears and getting up and walking out the house* 

Cyn: Erica where you going *running behind her*

Erica: Leave me alone Cyn please *walking to the truck and getting in* 

Cyn:*crying* Babe please don't leave me....Erica please stay 

Erica:*drives off with Cyn running behind her crying* 

Cyn:*falls to the ground and watched Erica speed off*

*meanwhile with Erica* 

Erica:*calls ???* Can I come over 

???: Yeah sure what's going on

Erica: I will tell you when I get there

Who was Erica talking to? Who is this Keishaun person? What's going to happen with Erica and Cyn now?

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