Erica Protects Cyn

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I am on my way to LA to get my woman back. Yeah that's right Erica better watch her back because I am coming for Cyn and this time I'm not leaving without her. Cyn left because Erica wanted her too. Erica made the biggest mistake of her life. She should've killed me when she had the chance. I got off the plane and my homie was there waiting for me

???: What's up doc *handshake*

Joe: Hey man *dapping him up*

???: Surprise to here from you of all people *walking with ???*

Joe: Well we have the same problem

???: What's that

Joe: Erica Mena

???: So what she got to do with me

Joe: You dated her man

???: So did a lot of guys but I never dated her

Joe: She took someone from me and I want her back

???: Cyn Santana I'm assuming *smiling*

Joe: How did you know

???: Well cause they are over there *pointing across the street to IHOP

Joe:*getting mad* Let's go cause I don't want them to see me

???: Whatever man *shaking his head and walking*

*30 minutes later*

Joe: Thanks for letting me crash here

???: No problem

Joe: So how will we handle this situation

???: Let's case her house and then we will move from there

Joe: Aight cool....You know where she lives

???: Of course!!!! I've been in her house before and it is dope my nigga

Joe: Let's just go

Joe and ??? leave and head over to Erica's house to case it

*meanwhile with Erica and Cyn*

Erica:*helping Cyn in the car*

King: Mommy are we going home or somewhere else

Erica: That' up to mama buddy

King: Mama are we going home or to the mall

Cyn: I need some clothes among other things so the mall it is

King: YAY!!!! That means I can get this game I've been wanting

Cyn:*smiling looking at King* I just got here and already a game comes up *laughing*

King:*laughing* I missed you that much mama

Cyn: I see

Erica: What was the among other things you needed

Cyn:*whispering in her ear* You'll find out later on

Erica: We need to hurry up

Albee: Nephew cover your ears...Damn shame

Erica: That's my baby though Al

Albee: I know Mena *laughing*

They went on to the mall but the whole time Erica couldn't shake this feeling like something was up. She called up one of her friends to head to their house and stay put until they got back. Cyn could sense something was wrong but didn't want to alarm King so she let it go. They made back to the house and Erica called a meeting

If Loving You Is Wrongजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें