Trouble in Cyn's World

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*the next day*

Today I woke up refreshed. Yesterday was so much fun. King has grown up since I last saw him. I don't wanna leave him but I know I have to because I do have a life in NY. I know King will be sad but I will always come for my baby boy. Erica and I are on good terms at least for now. This is gonna be hard leaving them and going back to my reality. I know people have pics of us hanging out and I know Joe saw them. He's called and texted over 120 times and I just wanted to let go and have fun. Being here made me realize how much I was losing. I need to walk away from Joe for good and move forward with my life. If Erica and King is in that equation then so be it. I know when I get back I have to talk to my parents and siblings and friends about all of this. My parents loved Erica and King. King was their grandson in their eyes. I know he misses them and they miss him too. Anyways I should get ready to go

Cyn:*packing her stuff while on the phone* I know Stella but right now isn't the time

Stella: When is the time Cyn.....You need to leave his ass

Cyn: You don't think I know this

Stella: When you come back you can't go back to that house

Cyn: Why not Stella

Stella: What the hell you mean why not Stella......This man wants your head Cyn....You were with your ex and her son

Cyn: King's my son too and I missed him and he wanted to see me

Stella: I know that Cyn and I know you missed him more than anything

Cyn: I just wish I didn't have to go back

Stella: I know but maybe this is the start of something new for you and for Erica and King

Cyn: Stella I wish I could drop everything and stay but I can't

Stella: I know.....What time is your flight

Cyn: My flight leaves at 1 pm

Stella: So what will you do in the meantime

Cyn: Chill with Erica and King

Stella: I can just see King's face when you leave

Cyn: His face is so cute......I know I will cry when it's time to leave

Stella: I know......Well I will see you later on okay

Cyn: Okay Stella

Stella: Love you.....Bye *hangs up*

Cyn: Love you too...Bye *hangs up* Okay well I am all packed

Cyn takes her stuff downstairs and sits it by the door and goes to the kitchen because she smelled something so amazing

Cyn:*walking in the kitchen* Something smells amazing in here

Erica: Thank you Cyn...Have a seat the food is almost ready

Cyn:*sits down*

Erica: King should be down in a minute

Cyn: I'm going to miss y'all so much

Erica: We will miss you too

Cyn: I really did have fun

Erica: Having you here made a difference for King.....He's been a lot better since you been here

Cyn: I know when I leave it's going to be hard on him

Erica: Why are you even going back to this man.....Cyn he abused and raped you and you still going back

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