Erica vs Kim

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*the next day*

It feels so good to have Cyn back and this time we are honest with each other. No more lies, bullshit, or other shit. Anybody that comes into our lives to destroy it has to answer for it. This time I want to make things work and this time we both get it right. No more running and blaming one and not the other. Cyn and I had a long as talk and we cried some and we laughed some but we were honest and open and now we can begin our new life together. Well technically not yet, but still you get the point. Today Cyn's family is coming to see hwo far we came and what we did to the house and if we are truly happy. Basically bullshitting me. I know her parents and Taylor love us together but Kim is a whole different story

King: When is nana Jenn and Poppa Jason and Tia Kim and Taylor coming

Erica: Soon King but make sure everything is clean before they get here

King: Everything is clean mommy

Erica: Let's watch some tv until they get here m

King: Okay mommy

Erica:*sitting next to King* You love having Cyn back huh

King: Yes mommy *smiling* I missed her so much and now that she is back I have both my parents and this time hopefully it's for good

Erica: Well Cyn and I had a long talk last night and I think we are on a good path

King: That's good because not having both of y'all made it worse for me

Erica: How so King

King: I wasn't happy when you was with Shad and when you were free of him it was like a new life began. Then when mama visited it was the best couple of days of my life. Now that she is here for good I can be me again. The fun loving King

Erica: Wow King I didn't know you felt that way and I will make you this promise okay...I will make sure to hold on tight to mama and never let her go okay

King:*smiling*Okay mommy

Cyn:*walking into the room* Mama's home

King: MAMA *running to Cyn hugging her* I missed you mama

Cyn: I wasn't gone long King *laughing* I did pick up something along the way

Jason: Hey grandson

King: Poppa Jason *hugging him* nana Jenn *hugging her*

Jenn: Hey my grandson

King: Tia's Taylor and Kim

Kim: Hey King

Taylor: Hey King

Cyn: Where's your mommy at

Erica: Right here babe *walking up and kissing Cyn* Hey everyone

Everybody: Hey Erica

Cyn: Come in and sit down in the living room

Jenn: Y'all really decorated this place up

Cyn: I added my touch to the place *laughing*

Jason: Erica this was your place until you and Cyn got back together right

Erica: Yes sir and Cyn's name is on the lease

Jason: So what's been going on with you Erica

Erica: I am trying to open up a store here and go to acting school and work out and model and be a mom and work and be a mom and work and be a wife *laughing and looking at Cyn*

Cyn: Really babe

Erica: It's the truth though

Taylor: Y'all living large out here

Erica: Yes we are but to me this was just a house because it felt empty for a while but when Cyn returned to my life this house became a home

Kim:*mumbling under her breath* Whatever

Cyn: You say something Kim

Kim: No Cyn

King: So did my nana Jenn and Poppa Jason bring me anything *cheesing really hard*

Jason:*laughs* You expect us to bring you something everytime we see you King

King: Yes


Jason: He's your son Cyn so we know where he gets it from

Cyn:*laughing* I plead the fifth

Jenn: You know we couldn't come here and not bring our favorite grandson something

Jason: Here you go King *handing him a game*

Cyn: Dad why did you buy him another game

Jason: He deserves it and so much more because he is so smart and handsome

King: Thank you poppa Jason

Jenn: So I guess I will get dinner started *laughing*

Cyn: You know we cooked ma so stop that *laughing*

Taylor: That was her way of saying she's ready to eat *laughing*

Erica: We see that *laughs*

Cyn: Let's go to the dining room then

Everyone walks to the dining room and sits down. Jenn Jason and Kim sat by each other. Taylor King and Cyn sat across from them and Erica sat beside Cyn

Cyn:*watching Kim look at Erica mad* Kim what's wrong

Kim: Nothing Cyn why

Cyn: Well you staring at my girl like you want to beat the shit out of her

Kim: Nothing Cyn let's just eat

Cyn: No now something is bothering you and I want the truth now. What's going on Kim

Kim: You don't think will cheat on you again. She put you through a lot and for you to just settle with her

Cyn: Are you kidding me right now Kim

Kim: Cyn she destroyed you on national television, then she called you a bitch online and then she called you a follower and this that and the other

Cyn: You must be out your rabbit ass mind...gco

Erica: Chill Cyn I got this.....I know I made mistakes when it came to Cyn. I know I hurt her more than anything. I hurt my son in the process too. I hurt his mama and he hated me for months for it. I love my son and his mama and I will fight for them for as long as I have breath *crying* I love Cyn and nobody not even you Kim will ever say differently

Cyn:*consoling Erica* Babe it's okay. I love you to the moon and book. Yes we have been through so much but we overcame them and now look at us. We are together and happy and healthy and we are good. King is good babe what did we talk about yesterday

Erica:*wiping her tears* Nobody else matters in this relationship but each other and our son

Cyn: I don't care what people say because they could never change my feelings for you ever E

Erica:*looking at Kim* I love your sister to the moon and back and there's nothing I wouldn't do for her or our son. Yes I have hurt her but I regretted afterwards. I'm not going to keep getting flack for something that happened years ago so you either with us or against us. I love you Kim and you know that. We was so close and now we not. I'm sorry for hurting her I love your sister so much *starting to hyperventilate*

Cyn: Babe breathe *holding Erica* Come on babe breathe for me

Erica:*trying to catch her breath but couldn't*

Cyn:*dropping to the floor with Erica* Babe


Jason: Let's get her to the hospital fast

They rushed Erica to the hospital and Cyn couldn't think about nothing but Erica. King didn't know what to do. Cyn's parents were there comforting her

Will Erica be okay? Will Cyn and Kim be at odds?

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