There's Always Drama....Erica in the Hospital Part 1

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We are at dinner and everything was going fine up until my sister Kim opened her big ass mouth. Erica and I already talked and got everything out in the open. Why can't she move on from what Erica did to me and focus on her own life. Now my baby is fighting for her life. All because of my dumb ass sister

Cyn: Why are you staring at Erica like you want to kill her Kim

Kim: No reason Cyn *going back to her plate of food*

Cyn: Something is wrong and you are going to tell me Kim

Kim: Let it go Cyn please

Cyn: No Kim now tell me what's going on

Kim: Let's just drop it Cyn please

Cyn: Kim what the fuck is wrong with you....Why do you hate Erica so much

Erica:*looks up at Kim*

Kim: You don't think she will cheat on you again. She put you through a lot and for you to just settle with her is so distasteful...Cyn you can do so much better than Erica

Cyn: Are you kidding me right now Kim.....Erica has done nothing to you but be nice for me. Kim what is your beef with her like get over it....She hurt me and you forgot the part where I hurt her too...Kim we moved passed this and now you need too or you can't come around anymore

Kim: Cyn she destroyed you on national television, then she called you a bitch online and then she called you a follower and this that and the other and you still want to be with her ungrateful ass

Cyn: You must be out your rabbit ass mind...gco

Erica: Chill Cyn I got this *getting up and looking at Kim* I know I made mistakes when it came to Cyn. I know I hurt her more than anything. I hurt my son in the process too. I hurt his mama and he hated me for months for it. I love my son and his mama and I will fight for them for as long as I have breath *crying* I love Cyn and nobody not even you Kim will ever say differently

Kim:*scuffs* Well then, Erica have you been totally honest with Cyn I mean you have more dirt behind you that you can toss so have you been honest

Erica: Hell yeah I've been honest and whatever you have or don't have frankly I could care less cause it won't be a factor of us breaking up I know that *holding her chest*

Cyn:*consoling Erica* Babe it's okay. I love you to the moon and back. Yes we have been through so much but we overcame them and now look at us. We are together and happy and healthy and we are good. King is good babe what did we talk about yesterday....You okay E I mean you holding your chest

Erica:*wiping her tears* Nobody else matters in this relationship but each other and our son and my chest hurts a little

Cyn: I don't care what people say because they could never change my feelings for you ever E and not even my sister can come between us

Erica:*looking at Kim* I love your sister to the moon and back and there's nothing I wouldn't do for her or our son. Yes I have hurt her but I regretted afterwards. I'm not going to keep getting flack for something that happened years ago so you either with us or against us. I love you Kim and you know that. We was so close and now we not. I'm sorry for hurting her I love your sister so much *starting to hyperventilate*

Cyn: Babe breathe *holding Erica* Come on babe breathe for me

Erica:*trying to catch her breath but couldn't and drops to the floor*

Cyn:*dropping to the floor with Erica* BABE......DADDY MA HELP ME

King: MOMMY *running to Erica*  

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