Erica and Kim Have a Heartfelt Talk

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I wish Cyn wouldn't have done that. I don't wanna talk to Kim at this very moment because she said I can't love her sister. I love Cyn more than anything. Yes I have made mistakes when it came to our love and relationship but that should be between Cyn and myself. Kim and I was once close when Cyn and I were together but ever since I put my hands on her things between us was rough. Cyn forgave me and so did the rest of her family. It took a lot for them to forgive me but they did and now we have all moved passed it. I'm treating Cyn better than before. Cyn even made mistakes and I forgave her. We love each other what we were doing was only hurting one person our son King. We were acting like kids instead of being adults about the situation. I will listen to what she has to say for Cyn's sake

Erica: So why is Tay and Kim here 

Cyn: Well I needed Tay here to be a buffer

Erica: A buffer for what though *looking at Cyn confused* 

Kim: I really want to talk and Cyn said to come over

Erica: Cyn why would you say something like that *looking mad*

Cyn: First off lose the attitude and secondly Kim has some things she wants to say but I told her to keep it calm because one my son is in the other room and two you have high blood pressure and we don't need to go back to the hospital

Erica: You don't think yelling will send me back

Cyn: Here her out for me okay babe

Erica: Fine whatever but can you at least hold me

Cyn: Fine big baby *laying next to Erica and placing her in front and wrapping her arms around her*

Erica: That's better

Taylor: You guys are so cute *in awe*

Cyn:*laughing* You stupid

Taylor:*laughing* I just love you two together

Erica: I love you too Tay

Cyn: Enough of the mushy stuff...Kim say your peace

Kim: Well.....

Erica: Well what and speak clearly too

Cyn: Erica 

Erica: I'm sorry....Kim what is it 

Kim: I'm sorry for going off on you and sending you to the hospital....It wasn't my intentions and I am so sorry Erica I really am. I know we were close once before but when you put your hands on Cyn it brought me back to what happened to me with my ex and you promised me you wouldn't hurt Cyn in any way and when she came to our parents house crying I knew something bad happened. I didn't want to know but she was my sister and I wanted to protect her. *tears falling* I always called you my sister from another mister because we acted so much like sisters. I miss that so much and just having you back in our lives makes me happy...I'm just scared that you will hurt my sister again

Erica: I love Cyn more than life itself. I know I hurt all of you all when I put my hands on Cyn. I regretted that ever since. I didn't want to face y'all knowing that I hurt Cyn. I wish we can get back to what were before. I do miss our friendship and sistership. Everyday I try my hardest to make Cyn happy and King too. That's his mama and hurting her is like hurting him. I loves Cyn more than anything. I don't want to ever lose Cyn ever again. I'm trying to make it right this time

Cyn: You have Erica and that's what makes our relationship and friendship so unique. You have more than proven to me that we can make it this time. Knowing that I will marry you one day is enough for me. I always wanted to be a Mena and maybe this time I will be. Someone needs to tie your ass down and it might as well me this one right here *pointing at herself and laughing* I want to have future Mena' s running around here causing hell

Erica:*laughing and wiping her tears* So do I 

Taylor: Erica what Kim is really saying is can y'all start over as friends and become sisters again

Erica:*smiling* Yes we can

Kim:*smiling* I love you Erica and I am so sorry again

Erica: It's okay and come give me a hug

Erica and Kim hugged it out and then Taylor and Kim left and Erica and Cyn laid down to rest for the night 

*the next day*

It feels good to be in the arms of the one you love. I'm home with the two most wonderful people in my life. Cyn and King are my everything and they are the reason why I go hard. It's all for them. Now this little one that I am carrying. I know I still need to tell Bow but for now I want to enjoy King and Cyn. King came in last night and cuddled with us. Today I feel better. Cyn has to check my pressure and then I need to take my meds and rest some more. I know they are worried about my heart and Cyn especially has every right but I am fine and all I want is to enjoy my life. I think Cyn told Tay that I am pregnant but I know Tay will keep it a secret. Right now I just want to enjoy my woman and our son 

Erica:*looking down at King* 

Cyn: Wondering when he came in here 

Erica: Yes 

Cyn: Last night 

Erica: I can't believe we slept the whole night

Cyn: I guess he's a cure *laughing* 

Erica: He's definitely something 

Cyn:*rubbing King's head* What do you want to do today 

Erica: I can't go anywhere but I was thinking 

Cyn: About what

Erica: I think we should move into a bigger house. King can have a bigger room and decorate it however he wants. We can decorate our room babe and......

Cyn: I would love that and we need to tell King before you know what 

King:*waking up* Tell me what.....Morning mama....Morning mommy 

Cyn: Morning son

Erica: Morning King 

King: What did you need to tell me 

Erica: I think we should tell him babe

Cyn: He needs to know *looking at King smiling* 

King: Tell me what 

Erica: You will be a big brother son 

Cyn:*looking at King* What do you think King 

King: I um......

How will King react? How will the meeting with Bow and Erica and Cyn go?

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