chapter 2

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Word count: 832

| Your POV |
The warehouse party was so much fun! I mostly stared at Joey the whole time... yeah okay I like him a bit. But unfortunately the party had to end. Markiplier, Amanda and Luna stayed to watch us film a challenge today.
Today's challenge was Giant Kerplunk and I was sooooo excited!
Matthias had Billy and Paul set up the Giant Kerplunk so I was in my office waiting for the signal to come down and start filming.
I was editing a cover (you're a singer and a YouTuber in this story btw) so I could upload it today as a celebration.
I played my cover of Can't Help Falling In Love by Elvis out loud to see if it was good. I didn't realise that Joey walked in and stood behind me listening to my cover.
I was singing along and Joey interrupted me.
"You're a great singer Y/N..." he said smiling. My face turned red.
"Thank you... that cover is going up as like a celebration video..." I said blushing a little.
His smile grew wider for some reason. "I'll be sure to listen to it fully... congratulations on 1 million again.." he said smiling even more.

His smile made me smile like crazy... "Thank you again Joey you're super sweet.. did you come up here to tell me that we are ready to film?" I asked him slightly laughing. He started scratching the back of his neck.
"Ha ha yeah I forgot to tell you, well you can come down now!" he said laughing, I laughed to and followed him to the warehouse.

Once we got down to the ware house, Kevin was ready to film, Mike was getting the mics ready. I quickly put the mic on my shirt and tested to see if it was working. Then I quickly got in front of the camera leaning on Joeys shoulder like I usually do during our videos. Then we started filming.
"WHAT IS UP GUYS!? Welcome back to our channel and today we have something big for a challenge!" said Bryan quickly so he wouldn't get interrupted by Matthias, Joey and I.
"It's GIANT KERPLUNK!" yelled Joey moving away from me and started running around the cage with jazz hands, Bryan, Matthias and I done the same and we were all a laughing mess.
"Also we have some other news... Y/N is back on our channel (you've been on their channel as a guest before.) but not as a guest... as an OFFICIAL TEAM EDGE MEMBER!" yelled Matthias as I jumped in front of the camera with jazz hands.
"What's up lovely people?!" I yelled.
Joey started laughing at me and so did Bryan. "What's so funny?" I asked laughing as well. Of course Kevin was filming the whole thing.
"You're ridiculous Y/N..." said Joey still laughing.
"Fight me Joey!" I yelled laughing as well.
"Alright love birds, quit it... Let's start playing Kerplunk!" yelled Bryan taking his side of the cage. I blushed a little but I hid it well.

~Time Skip to when you're in the middle of playing~

It was my turn and I walked around the Giant Kerplunk set up looking for a stick to pull out when I heard Joey say. "Hey Matthias grab a pole of distraction!". Matthias laughed and grabbed a pole along with Joey. I started laughing along with Bryan as Joey and Matthias shake the poles in front of me.
"Y/N I'm not touching you!" yelled Joey.
"I'm not touching you!" yelled Matthias as well. I started giggling uncontrollably.
"Guys I can't concentrate!" I yelled giggling.
"Uh duh that's the point!" yelled Joey also laughing. They were still shaking the poles in front of me so I decided to just pull a random one.
1 big ball and 1 small ball fell down. "Oh dang it! Thanks Joey and Matt!" I said laughing. All Joey and Matthias did was laugh.
It was now Bryan's turn and Joey decided to scare Bryan. He went around to the other cage and picked the pole near Bryan's face and screamed into it.
Bryan jumped and fell down and we all started laughing.
"THATS HOW WE DOOOO IT!" Matthias sang like he always does. We all laughed at him and continued on with Giant Kerplunk...

I ended up coming second, Bryan first, Joey third and Matthias last so it was time for him to spin the Wheel of Misfortune!
He spun it and it landed on 'Gain an EG point'.
Matthias laughed. "Yes I gain an EG point!" he said sarcastically and also laughing.
"So Matthias gets a point to the Edge games which I don't think we're doing anymore..." said Joey.
Bryan nodded his head. "Yeah we are... and they're coming up! And Y/N is the prize!" said Bryan joking about the last part.

I swear I heard Joey mumble quietly 'I'll happily take that wonderful prize' but I must've just imagined it..

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