Chapter 53

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I grab my phone with my eyes still shut and open my right eye to read the text I just got. Hey babe we have a date Saturday. If you don't show, I'll come get you myself. As soon as I finish reading that text, I am sitting straight up in my bed with both my eyes wide open reading it over and over again. Jeff. I know i have to answer him, but Saturday is the day that I am leaving to go home. My plane comes at 12 and he told me I am going on this date with him no matter what. If I tell him no, he will probably come and find me and that's not what I want at all. If I tell him that I am leaving, he will probably be there at the airport to greet me and that will ruin everything. So far, everything I have come up with isn't a good plan at all. I mean I could tell him yes and then not show up, but then he will show up at my aunt's house and question her and I don't want that either. But, at this point, saying yes is my best bet. Okay. Is all I reply with. I set down my phone and take down my hair. I put it back up in a bun. My phone rings and I scramble to get it. Morning babe:) I sigh a breath of relief once I see it's Nash. I smile and text him back. We decide to get together around 1:30 at my house. 

I go down to eat really fast and then shower, since he's going to be here in half an hour. I get out of the shower and right as I am pulling my shirt down my stomach, I hear the doorbell ring. I run downstairs with my towel still in my hair and Nash is standing in the door and talking to the maid. She takes his light jacket and shoes and his eyes land on mine. I smile and he walks over to me. I walk down the last 2 stairs to meet him and he pulls me into his arms. I smile at put my arms around his waist. 

He pulls away and smiles at me. "Hey babe" he says. 

"Hey" I say with a smile on my face. He pulls my face to his and connects our lips. I smile into the kiss and pull away. I lead him upstairs and into my room. 

"So how was your day with the guys?" I ask him as I take a seat on the bed. 

He walks over and sits down next to me. "It was good... Nothing interesting pretty much video games the whole time.. But, I missed you" he says and kisses my nose. My eyes flutter closed and he kisses my left cheek, then my right and begins to kiss me all over my face. I giggle and lightly shove at his chest, but he just continues with what he's doing. 

"Nash" I say to him, trying to get him to stop. He shakes his head, which is now in my neck. I mean it feels good, but I don't think right now is the right time. Everybody is home. He kisses all on my neck and right below my ear, he starts to suck the skin, not too hard and not too light. At this point, I can't get the words out of my mouth. He has his arms on my waist, pretty much holding me down, but I want this as much as he does. I pulls his head out of my neck and inspects his work below my ear. He smiles and then his eyes move to mine. He smiles even more at me and then before I know it, his head is right back in my neck, in the same place. His tongue swipes across the mark he just made and then he blows air onto it, which makes goosebumps break out all over my body. 

"Sophie!" Tay calls from down the hall. I groan and push Nash lightly off of me. I walk up to my door and open it. I stick my head out the door and she's standing there.

"Yes?" I ask her and she smiles at me. 

"Oh did I interrupt something?" she asks. How the hell did she know? I quickly realize my hair is all bunched on the opposite side of my neck, so what Nash just did is fully visible. I still need to brush my hair, but I try to take some of it to cover up the spot. She giggles and walks away. I sigh and walk back into my room. 

"What did she need?" Nash asks me. 

"Absolutely nothing. She loves to bother me" I say to him and he laughs and nods his head. He motions me to come over to him. I smile and walk over to him. He pulls me onto his lap. His back is against the headboard of the bed. 

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