Chapter 16

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I woke up the next morning, and suprisingly, I wasn't stressing about who to pick. My choice was obvious; Nash. I mean I was planning on still being friends with Taylor, just not dating. That's if he's okay with that. I walk downstairs with a smile on my face. "Well you're happy today" Tay says to me. I smile and nod my head.

"Does that mean that you have made your decision?" she asks me. I nod my head and smile at her as I sit down right next to her. "Anddd?" she asks.

"Nash!" I say to her. A huge smile grows on her face and she grabs me and pulls me into a hug.

"I knew you would make the right choice." she says into my hair. I smile and pull away.

"So you and Shawn?" I ask her. She blushes and nods her head. I laugh and we sit down to eat breakfast. My phone rings and I pick it up. 

Hey:) I smile at my phone screen.

I text Nash back, Heyy so I made my decision! I put my plate in the sink and walk upstairs. 


It took me a lot of courage to text her, but I did and it was a simple hey. I wasn't expecting her to answer me, but she did and when she told me she made her decision, my heart stopped. I started sweating as I texted back, Really what is it? I sat there on the edge of my bead and waited. I was so nervous. What if it was him and not me? It's not me I am not good enough for her. My phone rings and I have never been this nervous. 

You:) I drop my phone and I have the biggest smile on my face.

Shawn walks in and says, "What made you so happy?" he asks as he picks up my phone. I don't answer because I was speechless. I ran around the house about 4 times screaming and when I return to my bedroom, Shawn was smiling down at my phone.

"What did you do?" I ask him as I walk over to him.

"Oh nothing." he says as gives me my phone. I checked my messages and there was nothing, so I shrug my shoulders and start to text Sophie back. My phone rings and she said, Haha what? Looks like he did say something to her and deleted the message. 

Sorry that was Shawn and I have no idea what he said and I don't think I want to know, but I'm really happy you picked me... Trust me you won't regret it I'll treat you right:) I get in the shower really quick and as I get out I grab my phone. 

Haha okay and we should hang out today:) It made me really happy that she decided to make plans with me first. 

Yeah sounds good. What do you have in mind? I change quickly and walk downstairs.

I grab some cereal and she texted back, Come overr:) I smile and finish my cereal quickly and decide to walk to her house. It wasn't too far away and I mean I'm in Florida, so I may as well enjoy the weather.

I end up at her house and ring the doorbell. Tay answers and she smiles at me. "Hey Nash come on in." she says as she makes room and closes the door behind me. "I think Soph is in her room. It's up the stairs and the 3rd door on your right. Use protection and don't be too loud." she says to me and walks away. I laugh as I walk up the huge stairs and walk to the 3rd door.

I knock lightly and she says, "Come in!" I push the door open and she looks over at me. I smile and she gets up and runs over to me. I hug her tightly. I have missed hugging her and just being with her even though it has only been one day. She was everything I could've asked for.

"So what do you want to do today?" I ask her as I take a seat on the couch in her room.

"I want to just watch movies alll day!" she says to me. I nod my head and smile at her. She was braiding her hair.

"So are we watching them up here or down in the movie theatre?" I ask her.

"Either is fine with me" she says to me. I smile and nod my head.

"Let's just go to the movie theatre." she says as she offers me her hand. I gladly take it and she leads me down the stairs and into the basement. It was a really nice place. There was a bunch of couches and it was pretty much set up as a movie theatre.

"What do you want to watch?" she asks me. "Anything is fine with me." I say.

"Even a romantic movie?" she tests me.

I laugh and say, "I guess I could sit through I couple of those as long as I'm with you." I say to her and she giggles.

"So then we can watch The Notebook and then you can pick out a movie to watch." she says to me. I nod my head and she puts the movie in.

As soon as she sits down next to me, she says, "Well shit I forgot the popcorn."

I laugh and say "I'll get it. Don't worry, babe" and stand up and walk over the the kitchen. I find the popcorn and put it in and rest my back on the counter and as soon as it was finished, I pour it into a bowl. 

I walk back and Soph was all comfortable on the couch. "Make room!" I say as I fall back on the couch. She giggles and lays her head on my chest. I start to play with her hair as she eats the popcorn.

"Mmmm." she says as I continue to play with her hair. She was really focused on the movie and I took the opportunity to take in her facial features. She had the most beautiful eyes ever and her hair went right with them. It was in a braid now, but it still looked perfect. She wasn't wearing any makeup, which made me smile because she is comfortable around me. She looks up at me and asks, "What?"

I smile and say, "Nothing you're just beautiful." From the light on the TV, I could see her blush. She sits up and leans over to kiss me. It was soft and sweet and I could taste the popcorn on her lips, but it just made the kiss ten times better. She leaned her head on my shoulder and we continued to watch the movie, rather she did because I had no clue what was happening.

The rest of the day all we did was watch movies and cuddle. Honestly, it was one of the best days ever. Just being with her made everything so much better. "Soph, it's getting late I need to get back to Shawn's" I say to her.

"Do you have to?" she asks as she looks up at me with her puppy dog eyes. I laugh as I kiss her nose and she scrunches it up. That was adorable.

"Sadly, I do." I say to her. She sighs and I stand up and offer her my hand.

"Carry me!" she says as she looks up at me. I laugh as she climbs onto my back and I make my way up the stairs. I make my way to the front door and set her down gently. "Today was perfect" she says as she pulls me into a hug.

"Yes it was." I say into her hair. She pulls away and gets on her tippy toes and plants a kiss on my lips. I smile and pull her in for another hug and I kiss her forehead. "Bye Soph" I say to her.

"Byee!" she says as she closes the door. It wasn't that dark out yet as I walked home. The sun was setting and the sky looked really pretty. Once I made my way back to Shawn's, I ate dinner with all the guys and made my way up to my room.

I text Sophie Night Soph sleep tight:) I close my eyes and fall asleep with a smile on my face, for the first time in quite a while. 

Thanks for being patient and reading! Enjoy!:)~K

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