The big day

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Three months later......

"Hermione! Wake up! You're gonna be late." Ginny screamed.
"For what?" I asked in my sleep.
"Oh, nothing important. Just your wedding!"
I shot up in my bed. Oh no! My wedding is today.
"What time is it gin?" I asked, darting out of bed to take a shower.
"It's eight thirty and you have to be there by ten thirty. So I'd appreciate it if you hurry up in there!" She shouts.
"Ok gin. Don't worry. I've never been late in my life. I can make it to my own wedding."
A while later I came out of the bathroom and Ginny started doing my hair.

After we were done with the makeup and hair, about an hour later, I started putting on my gown

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After we were done with the makeup and hair, about an hour later, I started putting on my gown.

It would've taken a good half hour if Ginny wasn't there to help, reducing torture time to 20 minutes

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It would've taken a good half hour if Ginny wasn't there to help, reducing torture time to 20 minutes. Ginny was my maid of honour, along with Luna, pansy, angelina ( George's wife) and fleur (Bill's wife) as my bridesmaids. We had to reach the reception 15 minutes early so that the other bridesmaids had to be here now.
As if on cue, all of them apparated into the apartment.
"Wow, Hermione! You look gorgeous!" Angela said looking at me from head to toe.
"That's why she's the bride." Ginny chimed in.
"We're really happy for you Hermione. If you ever need me to kill Draco in future, don't hesitate to ask." Pansy said.
"I don't think that'll be necessary pansy."
"Ladies, I think we should get going. It's almost time." Luna added and we all nodded in unison.
Soon all of us apparated to a grassy meadow with a fountain in the centre. It looked beautiful no doubt. An enormous tent was pitched for the ceremony.
It was time.
I stood at the back of the tent as my friends lined up in front of me. I could see Draco up in front with his groomsmen Blaise, Harry, Ron and Theodore.
The girls started walking forward and finally it was my turn.
As I entered, I heard gasps and compliments flooding my way. I looked at Draco now, a wide smile plastered across his face.
I reached the altar. He reached out his hand and I took it.
"You look absolutely beautiful. I'm so lucky." He whispered to me.
"Let us begin." Kingsley said and everybody sat down.
We said our vows.
"I now pronounce you man and wife. You may now kiss th... Oh boy! We do I even bother!" He said annoyed, looking at us kissing before he could finish his sentence.

Draco's POV
This was all so surreal. Watching Hermione walk down that aisle brought me so much happiness. She was an angel. My angel.
After the ceremony, we went to greet our friends and family.
We got a lot of 'congratulations you two!' And 'God bless!'
Finally we had the long awaited couple dance.
As we were walking to the dance floor, I saw her looking around, like she was searching for someone who wouldn't show up.
"Who are you looking for?" I ask her.
"Um.. Nobody." She said, looking down.
"Come on Mrs. Malfoy! You can tell your husband anything." I tell her, smiling slightly. A ghost of a smile appeared on her face but disappeared.
She sighed.
"My parents." Her eyes started watering. I had forgotten. How could I forget.
We reached the dance floor and I hugged her tightly as we swayed to the music.

The party lasted the rest of the and nobody could ruin anything for Hermione ever again. Not while I was around.

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