The news

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(No POV)

"So how are you two getting along" Narcissa asked during dinner. Draco and hermione looked at each other and then looked at the pretty blonde woman.
"We're doing fine, mum. We've gotten along really well." Draco replied simply. And picked at his food.
Hermione looked up at Draco. She looked concerned.

After dinner, Hermione went up to her room and pulled out her phone to speak to Ginny, Harry and Ron.
"Hey mione, it's been a long time, what's up?"
"Hey Ginny, can you put Harry and Ron on too, please?"
"Okay, hold on a sec......yeah"
"Hey mione."all of them said in unison.
"Guys I need to tell you something important"
"Ok go on, tell us!" Ginny said, indicating the nervousness on her voice.
"You know that I've been spending a lot of time at the manor on Lucius Malfoy's case right?" She said.
"Yes, of course we know." Harry said.
"She's probably gonna say something histerical like she fell in love with Malfoy or something" Ron snorted.
"What the hell's the matter with you Ron? Stop being such an arse. Even Malfoy behaves better than you now. I regret putting on the phone." She said with a hint of anger in her voice.
"That's it Ron. You've crossed the line. You can go out and play with your little girlfriend. Out now!" Ginny shouted at her insolent brother.
"No buts. Out of the room Ron!"
It was a miracle how Ginny could get her elder brother to listen to her. Harry, on the other hand stayed silent throughout the bickering. As Ron left the room, Ginny continued.
"I think I'm going to let him stay the entire month."
"WHAT!?!?" They shouted in unison making hermione's ears pop.
"Look, he hasn't done anything lethal to me till now. And I feel sorry for his family. Narcissa and Draco aren't that bad once you get to know them."
"I don't think I want to." Harry mumbled.
"If he does anything again, the ministry'll catch him." Hermione said ignoring Harry's comment.
"All we have to say is we aren't a part of this. You're the professional. It's up to you. But if he hurts you, I'll be sure to kill him myself."
And with that Ginny hung up.

I'm sorry if some of the pics are not clear. Something went wrong with the downloads on my device. But I decided to put them anyway.

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