Without Her

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I rushed to St.Mungo's with Hermione in my arms.
"Draco?" She says meekly.
"Hermione, shh! You're gonna be alright. I promise." I started screaming for doctors.
"Draco, it's okay. I..love you." She says looking at me and pushing some hair out of my face. I stop in my tracks. She loved me! She loved me and I was going to lose her!
"I love you too!" I say through tears right when the doctors came with a stretcher and they take her from me and put her on it. They rush her to the nearest room and I follow them in, not letting go.

Ginny's POV
We apparated to St. Mungo's just as Hermione was wheeled into one of the rooms with Draco beside her. We rushed to it but they had locked it. I slid down the door crying horribly as Harry did the same.
"Where is she?" A voice asked.  I looked up to see Ron.
His eyes brimming with tears, a few of them spilling. I start crying even harder. Ron collapses into the chair beside him. He buries his head into his hands and his shoulders shake violently. Soon everyone arrives. My entire family, Luna, Neville, Seamus, even Mcgonagall. Blaise and Pansy also showed up. I learned that they had become friends. News had spread fast.
I told them the entire story. If it weren't for Draco, we wouldn't have seen her again.
Only Draco knew what was going on inside.

Draco's POV

I sat there holding her hand through all the procedures, for about half an hour. 
Her heartbeat was very faint.
"Mr. Malfoy, we need to tend to your wounds too. You can't stay with those. Come with me." One of the doctors said.
"I don't care about my wounds. I don't care about any of this. The only thing I care about is her. I need her. And I will stay beside her no matter what the cost!" My voice started out as a whisper, but soon turned into a yell.
The doctor nodded and then looked down, walking out of the room.
I sat down beside her and took her hand in mine and kissed it. I start rocking back and forth as tears fall freely down my face.
"Do you remember all those times, we fought, when we called each other names? Now that I think of it, it's actually quite funny, isn't it?" I say holding her hand tighter and giving a painful laugh through my tears.
I sighed heavily.
"I miss you, so much! And I couldn't even thank you for coming into my life and for making me happy."
I stand, my stomach is burning now, and I kiss her, lightly, but I get no response.
"I love you, with every fibre in my body,  with all my heart I love you. And I need you here with me." I say crying.

In that minute something happened.

A long beeping sound was heard around the room. Some doctors came running in. They all looked at the machine that was emitting the sound.
No, it couldn't be.
They all ran to her and tried performing some spells on her. I stood behind them.
5 minutes later they all looked at each other, then at me. Some of them just shook their heads and looked down.
"I'm sorry, Mr. Malfoy. She's gone."  The doctor said.
"You need to leave Mr. Malfoy." The nurse, whose name I read earlier, Jane, said.
I started screaming.
"No, she's not gone! She can't leave me!" I yelled. By now, some of the the doctors and nurses had come and started pulling me to the door. I tried to shove them off, but there were too many of them. I kept screaming until they finally pushed me out. For a split second I saw all her friends standing behind me. They locked the door and I started banging on it. Finally I gave up and slid down the door and sobbed hard into my hands. I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up to see Harry Potter. Ginny stood next to him.
"What happened in there?" Ginny asks, tears threatening to spill.
"She's gone!" I say.
That was enough for all of them to break down.

~15 minutes later~
Most of them had left. Only Harry, Ginny and Ron stayed back with me.  Ginny suddenly stood up and ran, still sobbing. Harry and Ron ran after her.
I stayed put, just staring into nothingness. The cuts among my stomach and limbs were still bleeding and it was getting infected. But I didn't care. Everyone who crossed me gave me a pitiful look. Not like they knew anything I was going through.
From now on I would have to live in sorrow and pain. This was all my fault.

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