Love and Hate

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Draco's POV
Something was definitely wrong here. There was barely any lighting and there were a few broken vases and torn couches in the living room. We checked all the rooms and finally came to her bedroom. We heard a small sob from the room and without thinking, I rushed into the room, Weaslette trying to hold me back. The room was dark. I muttered 'lumos' and looked around. My eyes landed on a bleeding figure tethered to the bedpost. She looked up at me. Hermione. She had a tear strained face and red eyes. She looked at me hopefully but couldn't say anything due to the gag tied around her  mouth. I rush over to her side. By this time, Ginny comes into the room. Seeing the sight before her, she holds her hand over her mouth and starts crying. Her face lost all its colour.
She rushed over to help. How could someone do this to her. My eyes started welling up and a single tear escaped my eye. I would be strong, for her.

I couldn't take the ropes off her. Magic!
I hear some shuffling coming from the living room and glass crunching under someone's feet. I look at Ginny.
"We have to go hide"   I whisper to her.
"I'm not going to leave her." She whisper-yelled.
"We won't. Never."  I quickly explained to her how much safer Hermione would be if we just caught the bloody criminal now. Finally she agreed. I looked over at Hermione and reassured her with a small nod.

I whispered 'nox' so the light went out.
I wait behind the door as Weaslette seeks out a dark corner.
The person walks through the door and I see her hair. It seems vaguely familiar.
"How are you doing mudblood?" 
No! I should have known. I felt anger surge through my body. I jumped out from behind the door and jab my wand into her neck. As she turns around frantically and sees, I notice a flicker of fear in her eyes.
"Dr...Draco, how nice it is to see you." It sounded more like a question.
"Tell me why I shouldn't kill you right now" I jab the wand into her neck even harder.
"It wasn't me, it was your father!" She said, frightened.

"I knew my father was a part of it, but so are you. Don't act so innocent, you conniving twat. I know why you kissed me that day. It was all planned. Well guess what. I don't love you. Never did and I NEVER WILL!"I screamed the last part and looked at Hermione. She looked back at me with teary eyes.

"You will learn to. After all, we are getting married......That's right Draco. Your father promised me a lifetime with you." She said through those crocodile tears of her's.
"We'll see about that!" I spat venomously at her. She was really scared now. She attempted to run.
"Petrificus totalus!" I heard Ginny scream. She walked upto Astoria and said..
"You did this to her and you will pay dearly." She was about to throw a hex at her but I pulled her back hearing distant footsteps. We levitated Astoria to a dark corner. Ginny was by Hermione's side and took off the gag.
"You have to go. He's here. I don't want any of you getting hurt." Ginny was stroking Hermione's face as she said this.
I rushed over to her.
"Hermione, I will not leave you. I've already made a mistake and I will not make another. I can't lose you. I...."
I wasn't able to finish.
"Ah, Draco my boy! I see you you have found the mudblood." Lucius said as he came up behind us.
"Don't you ever call her that!"I stood up in front of her, protecting her. He made a disgusted face.
"Well you won't see her for long." He said smirking. Now I know why people hated it when I smirk. But it couldn't have been as bad as his.
"Stupefy!" I screamed.
He dodged it, but barely, almost making him topple over.

And so the fight began. Spells and curses flew across the room.

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