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Hernione's POV
I was so happy to get back to my apartment because I could spend the rest of the evening alone. Just me and crookshanks. That's right, no Ron.
Me and Ron weren't exactly together.
We did like each other, until I found him in a Broom closet at Hogwarts, snogging Lavender Brown's face off.  I screamed at him for a really long time and he got upset and tried to apologise to me and I hit him with a few hexes. So that's that.Ugh, how could he fall for that horrendous cow.

Anyway, I took out my phone and texted my best friend, Ginny Potter. Yes she is already married and has a child , James Sirius Potter.

"hello" Ginny answered
"Hey Ginny, it's mione"
"Mione it's so good to hear from you. Before you ask me, the baby is good , Harry is good! Tell me anything new?"
I started telling her everything that happened today and how I felt after seeing Draco
"Well that's a good sign at least none of us are going to die, I'm too young to" Ginny grinned and said
" gud luck for tomorrow though"
"Thanks Ginny bye"

With that I kept the phone on my bedside table, changed into my PJ's and drifted off to sleep.

The next one week was going to be a hard one.

Sorry for the short chapter. This is my first fanfic so go easy on me.
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