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Hermione's POV
I woke up groggily and sat on my bed. I wasn't feeling well so I decided to give myself a break from everyone.......except Ginny. I needed her now. Besides, it's been a lot since we hung out after the baby came along and I became a head at the ministry.

"Hello Ginny, this is mione"
"Mione, great to hear from you again. How are you?"
"I'm good. Actually I was wondering if we could hang old times"
"Of course we can. I've been waiting to do this for a long time. Let's meet up today at 11? I'll do the rest. Ok?"
"OK Ginny, you're the best"
"I know, bye"

I kept the device down and jumped up to get changed.
I brushed and changed up into a pair of tight black jeans and a plain white sleeveless blouse. I straightened my hair and put on some light makeup.
After I was done, I stepped out of the room and rushed down the stairs, hopefully nobody would see me.

"Where are you going?"
Unfortunately I was wrong.
"I was going out with Ginny today. Don't worry Draco, I'll be back by evening." I said this and smirked.

It was better to act like nothing happened last night.

"Just don't think I'll miss you too much, granger" he smirked back.

Thank god everything was back to normal.

And with that I walked out.

I apparated to the potter's residence. Harry also stayed close to the ministry, being the head of Aurors. I walked upto the medium sized apartment and rang the bell.
A handsome young man with ruffled hair and refreshing emerald eyes opened the door. Harry.
"Harry, it's so good to see you. How've you been?"
"I'm great 'mione. It's so good to see you too. Come in"
We walked into the living room.
"So, tell me what's going on."
I told him everything that occurred over the past few days, except the part at the ball. He would have had a panic attack if I did. His jaw dropped.
"Close your mouth. You might catch a fly".
He started throwing questions at me.
"How is he now? I hope he isn't the same annoying ferret he was before. I'd kill him if he hurt you!" He said, all in one breath.
"Harry, it's alright. He's become bearable now. I guess the war changed him. Everything he did to us, I don't think he did it deliberately. Of course he is annoying at times. The only person I'm worried about is Lucius Malfoy. He still hates me." I replied.

"But......" Harry was cut off as Ginny entered the room in a blue blouse and skinny jeans. Even after her pregnancy, Ginny was as beautiful and slim as she was in Hogwarts.
"Hey gin, ready to go?" I said as I hugged her.
"Yes" she said eagerly and we disapparated to diagonal alley.
A few new boutiques had opened up and she'd been meaning to visit them.
She'd promised me if I joined her in shopping for clothes, she'd come with me to the book shops.
We shopped for about an hour and a half and then I was out.
Ginny had insisted that I bought this red sleeveless dress that came till my knees. I had to admit it was very elegant.
We spent another half hour at a nearby book store, at which Ginny become bored out of her mind, started swearing uncontrollably and kept saying that there were too many books around her for her own good. We settled down at a café for lunch. Now was the best time to tell her.
We ordered our lunch.
"Gin, I have to tell you something.....a lot actually."
"Well duh! From the look on your face, you've been contemplating on what to say for a long time. But you can tell me, that's what best friends are for!" She said gleaming.
I sighed and I started ranting about about that's happened from when I first landed in Malfoy manor. Her expressions showed that most of it sounded like gibberish. Them her eyes widened, indicating that the only part she understood was the part where I kissed Draco.
"YOU WHAT?!?!" She screamed.
"Shh! Ginny be quiet!" I told her as I looked around to see a few people glaring at us.
"Look, I pulled away and we showed each other that we have no feelings towards each other whatsoever." I told her with a blank expression.
She smirked and said "Mione, what I said a minute ago didn't necessarily have to be an angry expression, it could've been a surprised one. I didn't say anything else. The way you jumped up and said these things that weren't necessary just proves that something is going on. Doesn't need to be love. Something you don't know you feel." She smirked naughtily again.
"Wha.....!" I was gobsmacked.
She left some money on the table and got up to leave.
"You coming or what"
As we stepped outside to part ways, she turned towards me.
"If you ever need someone to talk to, you know I'm always there. I won't open my mouth bout this. Promise" she said smiling.
"I love you Ginny Weasley"
"I know". I rolled my eyes at her answer.
"We should do this again sometime."
"If you're gonna pull me into so many boutiques next time, count me out." I said grumpily as I crossed my arms over my chest.
"Fine, I'll consider reducing the number next time"
I hugged her and we disapparated separately.

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