Quality time: part 2

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Draco's POV
We went to the living room and spoke for about 15 minutes and then I came up with an idea.
"Since my father just came back, my mother is spending all day with him, best leave the house to them. I thought maybe we could go for a coffee or something." I asked.
"Ok" she said simply.

A few seconds later, in a Café....
We sat at a table in the corner of the cafe and we started talking.
"So...why don't you tell me a little more about what been going on in your life? I asked her.
"Ok. Just don't judge me, ok?"
"Of course I won't, granger and you can trust me."I said
"Ok" hermione said, little surprised.
"As you may know, I am head of magical law enforcement at the ministry and I also help Kingsley in cases regarding Deatheaters. After we left hogwarts, Ron and I broke. He cheated on me with Lavender Brown." First off, I didn't know they were not together. It was a total loss.
"You're way better than she is."
"Thank you Draco. Now why don't you tell me something about yourself?"
"Ok, first I just wanted to tell you I'm sorry, I've treated you like scum from first year and I've sorry about everything that happened in Malfoy manor that night.
I'm really sorry. I had no choice, I had to become a Deatheater for my family. I don't know, my life is ruined. And when I first came to know that you were assigned for this, I was so annoyed. But I guess it didn't turn out so bad."

Hermione's POV
"Oh god. Lets not start these fights again. Do you remember that fight we had in our last year" I asked
"Uh, we've had many. Which one specifically?
"The one where I tried to cut your hair"
"I'm still angry at you for that. You had no right to touch my hair." He said annoyed.
" you're the one who started it. Anyway I just wanted to say sorry" I replied.
"So am I. But you started it". He said. I rolled my eyes. Such a baby.

We had spent so much time in the cafe that we didn't realise that it was past 3pm. As we got up to go, Draco asked me ,
"Mione, Blaise is having a formal ball tomorrow at 7 in the evening and we need we need to go with someone, so Since I'm not exactly in contact with anyone else, I wondering if you want to go with me." He said flatly.
"Fine, I'll go with you"I replied plainly
And with that we apparated back to Malfoy manor.

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