Dont Say Goodbye-Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

"Ed!" I shout, finding the will to weave through the mass. The only thing keeping me on his trail is his bright orange city shirt the color of his hair. But he walks quick and soon is covered by the swell. I head for the doors as quick as I can, mumbling 'sorrys' every few steps. As soon as my hands reach the door, I'm bursting out and looking in every direction. My gaze falls on him, sitting alone at the stone collection around the flagpole. I sigh heavily and walk over, sitting next to him without a word.

"How long?" His voice is hoarse.

I stay quiet because I truly don't know what to say.

"How long?" he repeats, forcing the words out with raw emotional pain. I'm taken back but stutter anyway.

"A little over two months- Ed, he came back injured and I let him stay because-"

"Taylor, I'm not mad.. just hurt. I knew the day would come that Harry would come back and save the day. I knew this was too good to be true. You and Harry were meant to be since highschool, anyone could see it. That's why everyone thought I was lying when we first started going out. I hated him for years because he had you. I knew he'd come one day, I had planned on it but I didn't expect it to be today." He states sadly, wiping his eyes with his palm.

"Ed, I-"

"-You know, I'm an idiot for even thinking you'd fall for me. Can you believe that I thought that?" He laughs though nothing is humorous about his tone. I gulp.

"Listen to me, y-you're an amazing guy. You're probably one of the best guys ever, to be honest. I do love you, but not as more than a friend and I know that has to suck but you have no right to blame yourself. Please don't be mad. You deserve someone better than me, I'm broken. You need someone whole. Don't sell yourself short."

"I'm not mad." He whispers, almost to himself. He stands slowly. "But I can't stay friends with you, Taylor. It'd be too hard being around someone who loved someone else when you love them. I've already been through it enough. I'm sorry."

I find more tears wetting my cheeks and I stand to Eds' position. I get where he's coming from, if I was in his position then this would be horrible. Without a word, he wraps his warm arms around me tightly. The smell of detergent lingering once again freshly on his skin, the scent that originates of Ed. Losing my bestfriend was a possibility today that did come true and as much as I strived to be prepared when it came, I'm falling apart.

"No... No, I'm sorry." I murmur into his shoulder. He releases from the hug, lingering his hand squeezed into my own. He then leans down, pressing his gentle lips lightly into my cheek, stubble tickling at my skin, and smiles faintly at me.

"Don't be." He whispers before turning away and walking off. If we ever meet again, Ed Sheeran, and I really hope we do, I hope that day is a good day and it only starts and ends on good terms. I sniffle, wrapping my arms once again around my torso to trap the heat that's no longer anywhere to be found.

"How are you doing, hun?" Hailee whispers after setting a bowl of Chinese noodles on my tray in front of me. I release a sigh and look up at her, then to Sarah who sits on the adjoining sofa.

"Fine." I murmur, hoarse from the constant crying. The words hold more meaning than what you'd assume.

"How are you really?" Sarah persists, setting down the glass of diet coke in her hand that she had at her lips. I groan, putting the bowl back on the tray, crossing my legs to face them.

"Broken," I force a uneasy smile at them, blowing the pieces of hair that had fallen into my face away. Hailee sighs and scoots closer, pulling me into her arms.

"Love sucks, doesn't it?" She cooes. I nod fiercely.

"More than you know."


Sorry I've been struggling to get these out quicker and longer, I'm writing this side book/story thing on my own thing i don't know. I'm working on it. Anyway, thanks for reading!


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