Settle In-Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

If this was highschool, this situation would be gold to me. Taking the boy of my dreams home to stay at my apartment alone, that's only apart of my dreams. Not to mention that this isn't highschool, Harry basically betrayed me, and I have a boyfriend. Oh my gosh, Ed!

My hand immediately goes up my head as I rub my temples, trying to think out how to tell him that my ex crush is going to be living alone with me while he's out of the country. I can't tell him, I can keep it out of the question, right?

"Hey, you okay?" Harrys' voice interupts my thoughts. I glance up at him, still taller than me on his crutches. A frown catches my lips and I raise up a little higher out of habit, not that I like being taller, just by the way Harry carried himself. I want my body language to show I'm more confident than him. I nod quickly, my thoughts of Ed silenced with his voice.

"I should be the one asking you that, not you asking me," I force a laugh, guiding him out of the elevator at my floor. After Harry left town, I basically devoted myself into work and finally earned enough to move out of my parents into the penthouse of this apartment building. It's very open, the kitchen seperated with only a bar median from the living room. It's a two bedroom, one a guest room and the other a master bedroom opening to a window-wall. The living room has a balcony straightening out the length of the apartment outside, giving a view of all the countryside.

"Wow, this place is amazing," He says as he limps in under my help, gazing around the place. He sweeps over the apartment as if it's in one gaze, following every line of my decoration.

"Thank you but it's a little messy, New Years' party hit decently hard," I laugh quietly, leading him to the guest room. "Here's your room, I'll make you some soup, hold on." I help him into the bed and prop him up so he can watch tv.

"Taylor?" He calls timidly as I walk out. "Why are you doing this?" I turn and walk back to him, sitting on the edge of his bed. Good question, so good I don't even know that answer. Why am I doing this?

"Honestly, I have no idea. I've tried all I can to not care a single thing about you.." I sigh, playing with my fingers as if they're more interesting.

"I know how you feel," He rolls his eyes, probably thinking of how much this town that influenced him so much hurt his fame. I immediately frown. I knew it, he would try to forget every single person of his past, even the one that was there for him through it all.

"You are despicable, you know that, Harry Styles?" I spit, a sardonic smile plastered across my lips. I turn and cross towards the door of the room.

"Taylor, I-" he stutters, trying to get out of bed to follow me but I stop in the doorway, staring darts at Harry.

"-And don't you dare even start to follow me unless you want your leg to be hurt worse than it is." I turn forcefully and strut out of the room. I am not in the mood to hear any kind of retaliation after what I've been through the past month.

My phone blasts Hunter Hayes loudly, signaling Selena calling. Great she's probably heard by now and about to turn hell or high water to break down my door.

"Hello?" I wince into the phone.

"Hello? You take that dirtbag home and all you say is hello?" Emma's voice squeals through the phone. There's scuffling on the line until Selena is heard.

"Are you okay? Like are you okay in the head because Taylor, darling, that is one thing you've been against since day one." Selena scoffs. Emma, Ashley and Sel must be hanging out again, that's a bonus for me, of course.

"Can I explain it to you later?" I whimper into the phone, holding it away from my ear. I hold it against my shirt and tilt to try to see if Harry could hear but I just see him droning in on the tv, thank goodness.

"Oh you know you will, we're coming over tomorrow to talk about this. Whether loverboys there or not. Just know I'm not prone to kindness when a guy like that is in the same room," Emma says louder in the background. I hear Ashleys laugh then both of their agreements.

"Ugh, fine. Noon, we can have lunch. Just try to not kill the guy, he is my patient." I laugh and end the call before they can retaliate. My friends have got to be the craziest of people, they'll probably tease the daylights out of Harry.

The bowl finally cools enough to where I can blow the steam off so I lug it into where Harry sits innocently on the bed. He smiles as I enter.

I lean over and place the bowl on a blanket over his lap. We're so close my cheek warms at his breath. I swallow and situate the soup so it won't spill against his lap.

"Taylor," He whispers huskily, his hand touching my wrist. I freeze at his touch and glance at him, suddenly noticing I'm not looking at him, I'm looking at his lips.

"W-what?" I stumble as his hand travels up my arm to my cheek, his eyes roaming my face. His touch sends chills down my spine.

"I'm sorry," something sincere comes from it.

All of this has happened yet all I've been wanting to hear is for him to say that yet now that he is, I don't believe him.

"No... no, I don't think you are," I whisper back, shaking my head and backing away. He's not one to go back on his decision or admit to his mistake at that.

"I am, I swear I am. I was an ignorant jerk that wasn't thinking when I left, can we please try to get to where we were?" His breath reaches my lips.

"Where we were? I don't think that can happen again," I realize i'm still close to him, our faces just inches apart. His other hand grips my wrist, keeping me in place.

"Kiss me." He husks. Oh how many times I've dreamt of him to say that.

"What?" I stutter, suddenly flustered trying to compose myself. My heart flutters.

"Kiss me, just once. I need to know," He whispers, already pulling me towards him. This is ridiculous, he thinks he can just tempt me in with all of his playboy nature, I wouldn't just kiss him. Even if he is Harry. Though I feel myself falling in and closer, wanting to bury myself beneath him and just kiss until I can't breathe anymore.

After all these times of trying to hate him, I'm not going to give in the one time he comes back when I've built myself up not to. The greatest temptation couldn't push me over now, and it also helps that Harry can't get up. Yet I know if he let alone pecks my lips, I'll give in so much i'll end up in the soups' position. Steaming hot and in his lap.

"Why do you think I will?" I whisper closely, noticing him leaning closer, trying to catch my lips in his from his reach. I smile, gently grazing them then pushing past until they hit his ear. "I'm not one of your whores, Harry. I'm not just going to give you what you want because you ask for it. Now ice your knee before it swells, wouldn't want that, would we?"

I linger by his ear, pressing my lips down just where his curls meet his ear before straightening up. "Oh, and eat your soup, it's about to spill if you keep trembling like that," I tease, tossing an ice pack to him. He's wide-eyed with a pleasant smirk tapered to his face.

That should show him who's apartment this is. Just because he comes back does not mean i'll fall straight back into him, whether he wants me to this time or not. I'm not that easy to come by.

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