Blackout-Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Harrys POV

"Are you sure you want to go back there?" Zayn asks, currently sprawled in an unexplicable position on the couch whilst leaning his head on the backing to look at me. I shrug on my jacket and pick up my duffle bag again.

"Yeah, mate. You haven't been back there in awhile, you're always welcome to come back to my parents' house. You know they love you." Liam adds as he walks from the bar stools to join us with a drink.

"That's nice of you guys but I really should go back. Besides, we have a long break, i'll be fine." I groan at their insistances and wind my earphones around my phone. It should only be a few hour drive but that's a at least 4 hour drive in the heavy snow and sleet.

"Well be careful, lad, it's getting pretty slick out there." He says again, patting me on the back and joining the others.

"I will, have a good break guys, i'll get up with you soon!" I call one last time as they all break into lazy goodbyes, some loud and some more focused on the television. I'm tired as it is gets already, this ride is not going to be able to help.

After 3 hours of drowsy driving, I'm only staying awake by the pounding of the stereo I have at full blast. Cars weave slowly in and out of the traffic, snow pelting the blurred streetlights. I can't even see the countryside as it's only a faded, white flatland. A semi truck catches my eye from my right side, uneasing my car a little from the draft. The car shutters a little and I speed up to try to relieve it, upping my windshield wiper speed to see. The pavement turns to a bridge cement momentarily, causing the truck to hit ice at its speed, it's wheels attracting it into my back half of my car. It happens so fast that I don't have a chance to hit the brakes in time before I'm spiraling in the air along with the snowflakes, creaking of metal screaming in my thoughts. Pain courses through my body as it finally comes to a stop hard, pounding in my head causing a pool of warmth to surround meMy body racks under the chilled black pavement, glass flying in shards like the snow. Maybe i'd be happier this way, asleep forever. Nothing to cause any guilt, nothing could go wrong, peace and tranquility. Just darkness. I let my eyes fall close to the depth of the pain, plunging into black.

Taylor. I need to see Taylor, I need to make things right. I can't go now, not now.


Short chapter, writing the next now.

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