Not You-Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Taylors' POV•

"Taylor, Mr. Jones needs his blood pressure taken today in room 231." Selena says, coming up behind me to gather a few documents from the station.

"I was just on my way. By the way, I saw you and Sam talking earlier, what was that about?" I wiggle one eyebrow at her suspiciously. Selena has definitely got to be one of my most outgoing friends, she's a lot like Emma yet a lot more... vocal. Emma will do it but Selena will talk about it but Emma's a lot more blantant.

"Oh nothing.." She trails with a smirk, popping on her rubber gloves. "Just a little date.."

"What kind of date, Sel? Last date you had included skinny dipping with that Latino guy that ended up being Ashleys' ex.." I laugh quietly at the way that played out.

"Hey! I had no idea about that, but he did have a great body." She comments, shrugging harmlessly. "And it's just a ride on his parents' yacht.."

"Ah, yacht." I grin.

"W-what? If you're thinking I'm just going to go out with him because he's rich and good looking and has a yacht and is a doctor you're completely right." She smirks triumphantly, beginning to walk off as I do the same. I'm actually surprised Selena was able to move on as quickly as she did. She was pretty deeply love struck too with a boy named Justin, from the States'. She had basically already planned their wedding when he had to move back. It crushed her but instead of wallowing in self pity as I did, she immediately took herself together and dated. She did not waste a moment to bask in her teenage years and grew up faster than what was needed. She was strong, I knew that for a fact, she could move on in a completely different way I could. Though I'm not convinced she totally has.

I quickly get done checking the mans' blood pressure to the sound of a new patient being rushed in on a gerdy. Several people surround what looks to be a young man in a blur who's coated in blood and that's already soaked his bandages.

"What happened?" I ask Rita at my side who drops behind the group. She sighs.

"Young man was trying to get into town, about an hour out when a semi lost control on the ice and spun his car, he's beat up pretty badly. Broken foot and a bunch of bloodied up cuts, poor kid." She shakes her head sadly, allowing a grey strand to fall in her face which she pushes back dismissively.

I yawn quietly, I hate working the later shift. Ed knows not to wait up for dinner on me on nights like this and I'm glad, I really don't feel in the mood to vent to Ed.

I glance down at my list, I have the room of the young man who got injured earlier. His name is not recorded, just a bunch of mixed up records that make no sense except old injuries. From what it looks like, he lives in Cheshire as well. Maybe he went to my school, oh great that's all I need.

I knock twice before entering, closing it being me. He's asleep, a young man with curly dark brown hair, his foot lifted in a cast and his body draped in blankets. His face is coated in many gauze on his nose and forehead but I recognize him. My heart beat pauses before skyrocketing higher than it has in years. Just the sight of him stops me in my tracks. I'd recognize him anywhere, the person that haunts me day and night. The guy that I've been trying to hate for 5 years.


Just when I think I'm over him, look. Look what freaking happens. This is what he looks like now? Hair slicked up yet scrambled under his condition, lips still pink and all of his features matured. Definitely better looking in person than the magazines make him out to be. How could he be here and what reasons would he be coming back to Cheshire of all places? Everybody holds his absence against him to this day so why come back?

I shake my head to prevent tears from falling and push myself from my glued position and out the door quickly before I break down.


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