Preoccupied-Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

My alarm blares before the sun even peaks through my blinds, causing my groan to hit the cold morning air. My situation seems like it'd be uncomfortable, considering I'm taking up my large king size bed by myself, yet it's actually warm. I had set myself to write this morning before Harry wakes up so I don't have to explain where I'm going, if I even owed an explanation to him.

I move noiselessly through the house, tossing on a pullover and jeans with a beanie before pulling out a piece of paper from my journal.

If you see this before I get back, I'm taking a walk. Be back soon, don't strain your foot.


I walk silently into his room and set it on his bedside table. He looks so innocent asleep, so much like the little 16 year old I knew. His curls tousled with green eyes hidden under his eyelids, his perfect pink lips chapped from the night. He was even more gorgeous now than he was before, and he had asked to kiss me. More of a demand that I had denied than a question though.

I push his curls softly off his forehead, careful not to wake him up. He hums something quietly in his sleep, repeating it over and over again. I smile and lean over, imprinting an invisible lip print on his temple before quietly walking out of the apartment. He means more to me than i'd care to say, he gives me a warm feeling that I've associated as home. Cheshire hasn't been home without Harry, home is what I've learned is where Harry is.

The picket fence is cold to the touch, a lot like the frosty air that dews a light snow sprinkling. It tops the ground lightly along the path as well, glowing the tree up brighter than usual. I grin to myself and approach the swing, swiping off the small frost residue with my finger. The knots in the tree are also slippery so I simply secure my footing and climb up until I hit the nook. There sits the marking H & T which Harry had carved during our childhood years before I had covered the marking in hearts after his departure. I run my fingers over it, feeling the curve in each letter.

I pull out my journal from the hole and start to write again.

Dear Harry,

You came back, like I had dreamt you would. Three weeks ago to be exact, and for three more months, you will be staying at my apartment. It was either let you stay with me, or you'd stay on the streets and as much as I don't trust you staying with me, I care way too much about you to have you stay on the streets. Destiny seems to always bring us back together and how could it work when it's two partners are not near eachother?

In other words, you tried to kiss me last night. Of course I didn't let you. Not that I didn't want you to, it was just that if I did, all of my years of self control and strength would fly out the window because a boy kissed me. Yes, I know that boy is you and that boy has always had my heart, it's just that I've tried to make myself strong yet you're my only weakness. How could someone that makes you so strong, be your only weakness? Despite every thing I say and will say disregarding you, I do love you, Harry. I hope you know that, because i can never stop, trust me I've tried.


As soon as I open the door, Emma bursts in chewing on piece of gum like it's her life support.

Explain." She orders immediately, Selena and Ashley filing in after her, both holding coffees in hand.

"Shh, if you want me to talk, you gotta keep quiet. He's still asleep," I scold, pulling them over to the living room with a hot tea in hand.

"A-are you actually concerned for him?" Selena fake stutters, rushing up to me and pressing the back of her hand to my forehead. "Do you have a temperature? Are you okay?"

"I'm his nurse, calm down. Now what do you want to know? there's nothing going on," I laugh, sipping on my tea.

"Nothing going on? Taylor, this is Harry we're talking about, there's been something going on for the past eight or so years," She says.

"Okay, he tried to kiss me last night but I didn't let him," I admit before rolling my eyes. They all gasp and act as if it's a bigger deal than it actually is.

"Why? Girl, he's Harry Styles, if he, of all people, tries to kiss you, you let him," Ashley defends him and I scoff.

"I'm not another girl though, Ash. I know Harry better than anyone ever has or did, if he really wanted to kiss me, he'd try harder than just asking," I explain, glancing up to find Harry limping across the area to the kitchen. I dart up on my feet. "Harry, what are you doing? You're suppose to be resting!"

"I- I thought you were out, you're note said- wait, who are they?" He looks from me to the group of gaping girls who stare wide-eyed at Harry. Emma nudges my arm, "Nevermind, I approve." She whispers under her breath.

He smirks at them then back to me. Jealously suddenly sweeps over and I'm helping him back into his bedroom. He shouldn't even be standing, let alone when I have a group of girls basically gossiping about him right here. I hope he didn't hear me, that'd be embarrasing, i thought he was asleep.

"My friends, Selena, Ashley, and Emma. Don't pay much mind to them, they're a little touchy with the subject of you," I bite on my lip and help him into bed. Harry wears the same clothes he did last night except his shirt is converted into his undershirt which is a white tanktop.

"Oh.." He murmurs as I situate him in and hand him pain medication.

"What do you want for breakfast? I can order something in if you want because I'm a little preoccupied to cook at the moment," I explain, glancing back at the door to make sure the girls' weren't spying.

"Mcdonalds is fine. Bacon, egg and cheese, thanks." He mumbles, grinning up at me. I return his constant smile and turn, exiting to call it in.

"Oh, and please stay in here, your ankle can't take stuff like that,"

"Yeah, apparently neither can your friends," He laughs.

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