Intoxicated-Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

We got back from hiking around an hour ago, parting with Selena to go back to my apartment to have our dinner chosen by Harry of Mac & Cheese. Big surprise on that one, he's obsessed with it. We're currently curled up with our individual bowls, I in Harrys' lap while he had finished a few minutes before. We are watching SVU together in the dark, only the tvs' low glare to light the room. One of his hands pressed around my stomach and the other growing increasingly upward on my thigh. A little past my comfort zone if I'm being honest, not to mention what I can feel evidently from Harrys jeans. Its obvious something is hooking him tonight and I don't think it's the mac and cheese. He's been like this all day and I can tell how restraint he's holding in, I appreciate it truly. I know how difficult it is for him judging on the cycles he's use to sticking close to.

I place the bowl forward on the coffee table and situate myself so my legs for comfortably around his torso. He tugs in his lip and forces a lighthearted grin, obviously trying to restrain his wandering eyes. He's like a little boy, I swear. Without a word, I lower my head into his neck and softly place kisses around his defined jawbone. I'd stop if I could even reason with myself but that thought is long gone from my mind by now. No thought reflects anyone but Harry, no one that I imagine would disapprove of the way we are feeling right now. Why would I anyway? All of my focus drones in on Harry, nothing comes in recollection of common sense.

"Tay.." He murmurs, his hands inching at the back heming of my shirt. I trail my kisses up from his neck to attach to his lips which I find are urgently clinging to my own. My intention was to let Harry have what belongs to him, including me. We haven't directly said that we love eachother but it's blantantly obvious, we need eachother. It's not a want or a lust anymore, it's a desperate, hungry need to be loved now. Long enough have we waited to be strained like this in eachothers arms, completely vulnerable to eachother.

He dips me onto the bed, bared of our clothing now, heavy breathing filling the room. He's a gorgeous human being, to say the least, every motion and technique is noted and scripted into my mind so I can rewind the heated moments like this. We fit skin and bone like there was no other person that could fill us the same way. Harry is an expert, at all things really, more at keeping a fiery mood.

Passion racks me, edging me fiber by fiber, pushing me to reach a feeling I've never experienced before until there is no more passion to be ignited. There's something intoxicating about him that will not release you until you're begging on your knees, he has a constant look in his eyes that you just can't deny. All the daydreams I had in highschool that most people would sneer at, the ones that I saw every time when just staring spaciously at him. The daydreams that had me doodling our names together linked with hearts and addition signs that were suppose to be used for the math problems I wasn't listening to.

He was more than I had anticipated and expected, he was everything I wanted and more. All I wanted and more. As much of the time I spent training myself to hate him, never have I loved someone more. This is just the testification of the severity of my love for Harry. I never thought I could totally admit it to myself but I do. I love him.

I wake up with a self-concious groan as I turn on my side, finding Harry grinning from ear-to-ear facing me.

"Good morning, love. Have a good sleep?" He cooes, moving his hand from behind his head to trace through my hair. All of my senses thrive in this situation, just his scent smells of home. Everything about his is just a comfort and it feels like a weight is off my chest after unchaining myself to Harry.

"Eh..alright, how about you?" I murmur in a sleepy voice, stretching a little from my position. He yawns before answering, running his natural habit of combing a hand through his curls gently.

"I'd say it was a pretty great sleep," He chuckles, vibrating the bed with the depth of it. Before I can respond, my phone blares loudly and I sit up along with Harry.

"Hello?" I murmur into the phone without checking the ID, voice still hoarse from the activity of last night.

"Taylor! I've missed you so much! Sorry I haven't been able to call, the lines have been out of range, please forgive me! How are you?" Eds' voice rings loud from the background noise of what sounds like Japan's streets. I freeze and stutter a little at the sudden scare of Eds' call.

Harrys' stubble tickle my shoulder, pulling down my tanktop strap off my shoulder. Instinctantly, I stifle a laugh, sending a warning glare at Harry. "I-I'm good-Stop it, I swear.-How's Japan?" I stutter, stopping to scold Harry as he innocently backs away from his position of pressing kisses up my collarbone.

"Who's that?" Ed asks cautiously.

"Uh, Selena. She's tickling me and I'm about to have to hurt her if she doesn't stop." I stumble out a lie, still trying my best to tug up my strap from Harrys' grasp.

"Okay, well I'm doing gr- Oh, seriously? Ugh, I have to go, Tay. Emergency, apparently. I'll try and get up with you as soon as I can. Bye!" He says, the connection kind've cutting off.

"Okay, bye!" I end quickly, guilt suddenly washing over me as soon as it ends. "He almost heard you!" I shout.

"Oh well.." He laughs, pressing his lips to mine. "You're mine anyway."

Completely now.

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