Forgive and Forget-Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

"So, whattya wanna do today?" Harry sings, swishing our hands back and forth as we walk through the field. The wheat nips at my inner thighs from lack of being cut. I shrug softly.

"I dunno, I know I need to apologize to Selena.." I trail, making a mental note to myself.

"Oh yeah, what were you two yelling about? I forgot to ask," He asks as I collapse into the tire swing, digging my fingertips into the old rope. He comes behind me, leaning over the swing with a smile.

"Ugh, I brought up Justin during an arguement," I stumble, unsure to bring up Ed.

"...About?" He insists.

"Ed." I whisper, finding my fingers more interesting at the moment. His jaw clenches, unnecessarily thinking I notice but I do. He tenses up and releases a deep breath.

"I forgot about him. What are you going to do?"

"I don't know, to be honest. I would like to wait until he gets back to break the news.." I trail off, putting my hands up on his waist to ease him a little bit. "Hey, but i'll pick you, okay? I'll always pick you."

He grins, leaning down until his cheek brushes my own. "Good, because I don't want to share you at all. I've waited long enough for you."

"You're too cheesy, Styles!" I laugh, pressing his lips down into mine, smiling into it until his cheeks warm significantly. "We could go hiking today. Would you like me to invite Emma and Ash as well?"

"No, goodness no. They were insistent with me that I was about to murder you or something." He laughs and pulls me in for another kiss.

"Mmm, well, can we at least being Sel if I can makeup with her?"

"If she doesn't push me off the cliff.." He murmurs and I smirk, standing from my position and urging him forward, tugging him with both hands.

"I'll make sure she doesn't, as long as you promise to be nice," I smirk, studying his features that seem to be on edge from the cold. He's bundled in his black peacoat, a navy beanie placed perfectly on his curls without pushing them back.

"No promises..." he whispers, pushing his lips into mine again briskly. I carelessly respond, kissing him back with a swipe of his bottom lip. He moves his hand to my side, pushing me closer into his body, opening his jacket and engulfing me in it and his scent. I laugh against his lips and pull apart, cradling into his grasp and his jacket.

I knock twice on her door, tapping my heel nervously on the tile flooring outside Selena's apartment. I'm lucky in the first place that Harry still hasn't noticed the lettering hole with the new addition of the lamppost posted inside it. More lucky that Selena hasn't completely denied me out of her life, allowing Emma to squeeze her to admit that she wasn't furious with me.

She opens the door and sighs, placing a hand on her hip. "What do you want?" She breathes, stuffing her hands in her sweatpants.

"Sel- can we please talk?" I say quickly, pleading her with my eyes. She purses her lips together and nods slightly, walking towards the living room, leaving me to follow. I shut the door and take a seat next to her on the couch. "Look, I'm sorry. You're absolutely right about Ed and Harry and I should totally find a solution for that. My life is just one big mess up, Sel. I should have never backfired at you, especially about him. You never did that to me and I have no right to retort that against you. I am so sorry."

She immediately pushes my back into her, embracing me in a tight hug that only she could signify. "I was overreacting. It's totally your life and I was basically contradicting myself by interfering with yours."

"Hey, that's what best friends are for right? We get mad, we fight, we hug, we impulse on eachother again." I laugh through the pricking feeling itching of tears at my eyes. My voice breaks off midsentence, forcing a smile under my tears. She nods quickly as if she's struggling to keep her composure as well.

"Right." She whispers, pulling me back into another hug with a smile.

• A/N
I have a game tomorrow so I need to get some rest. Hope you liked the update, I'll try more tomorrow! Love y'all!


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