Face To Face-Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

"Taylor... Hey!" I hear Selenas' voice behind me, calling me down as I half-sprint away from the room. These people around here do not need to see my tears, I've built myself as someone who may be kind but is not weak. "Taylor. You better stop your pretty little butt before you get slapped in the face. What happened?"

I stop and turn quickly on my heel to face her, pressing my lips together so the tears don't spill over. "You want to know what happened? He happened. He came back." My voice comes off choppy and in sobbing bursts.

"Oh my god, Taylor.." She whispers, rushing up to me and hugging me tightly. I shake my head and push away, pressing the heel of my hand to wipe the tears before they form. "Look, I can take the room if you want. You don't have to deal with him."

"I-I cant, it's already on the forms that I'm registered as his nurse and- and I signed before I saw his name. Selena, why'd he come back? Why.." I whisper, my voice cracking. If I could i'd hand over the room quickly and get out of the same place that houses Harry.

"Oh, I don't know, Tay. Listen, if you need my help or if that prick does anything to you or just anything, you let me know immediately. Do you understand?" She says and I nod quickly, trying to steady myself. "Good, now i'll check his blood pressure then I have to get off shift but you just call okay?"

"Yeah, alright- thanks Sel. You're the best." I whisper before hugging her again. One day we were going to run into eachother, one way or another, I guess it's another and that day is today.

My foot lightly pushes the door open as I enter Harrys room again, it's quiet so he must be asleep. The food had came out of the kitchen later because of his floor and it's mostly cold, it's around 9:00 so he must be pretty hungry. He's been sleeping the whole time since his foot surgery so I plan on not waking him up so when he does he can eat his already cold food.

He looks so peaceful, lying propped up on his bed, so different from the 16 year old I had known. As much as I needed him to not see me, that's going to happen, how we both react is another thing. I gently place the tray on the slide-out table over him and set everything out in his reach quietly.

"Taylor?" His voice comes as a husky breath against my arm. I freeze and clench my teeth together with closed eyes. Crap. "Is-is that you?"

"Hello Harry," I whisper formally, straightening up, trying to look comfortable without success. He shouldn't be awake right now, i didn't expect him to be and I'm not exactly prepared.

"W-what are you doing here?" He stutters, attempting to sit up higher with a wince. He looks a lot like I did yet he's not angry nor sad, he looks...happy.

"I work here, you're in Cheshire. Why you're in Cheshire is a question for your answer. How are you feeling? Do you need another dose of hydrocodene?" I ask. I keep my tone light and refrain from bursting out into something I might regret later. I'm his nurse and that moment and that's my job.

"No no, I'm fine right now, just hungry. What time is it?" He asks, completely avoiding the indirect of why he's here in the first place.

"Nine. Sorry the foods cold, it was a little off schedule. If you need anything just press that button next to you," I say, stumbling in my mind for things to say. He touches the chicken and shrugs as if he could care less. At least that part of him is still the same Harry. With that, I start to turn out the door before my voice breaks with my control.

"Taylor- wait! About what happened..." He calls, causing me to stop in my tracks. My mind flicks back to one of the days I was bawling over Harry, around the time he left, Selena was at my side 'He's not worth it, Tay'. But he was, he always was.

"Please don't Harry. Don't make my job harder than it already is, just please let me maintain being civil without losing it. Now please let me know if you need anything else, Mr. Styles." I say dismissively, swallowing my uncertainty. Before he can respond, I'm out the door and striding quickly away from his room.

Harrys POV

"I need you.." I whisper but she's gone, out the door again. I can't believe it, she's here, she's alright. Oh, is she alright, she's even more stunning than before. I can tell she hates me, just the way she can't even look at me for too long. I'll win her over, I swear to it. No matter how long it takes.

I run my hand forcefully through my hair and groan, pushing my head back against the pillow. Until then, I have to deal with her just wanting me out of her life.

Taylor's POV

"Ed, what are you doing here this late?" I ask as I walk into the dark apartment. He sits lazily on the couch, looking over at me. There's only a lamplight on, giving an empty look to the massive open apartment.

"Sorry, I just had to tell you some really great news that I couldn't say over the phone," Ed says excitedly, standing and approaching me. I toss my keys on the counter and force a smile at him, being happy for him is the least I could do after today.

"Really? What? Did you land the Texico job?" I exclaim, clasping my hand together. He grins but shakes his head.

"Nope, something bigger!" He smiles from ear to ear, covering his pinkish face. "RW Tanners' called, I got the opening!"

"You got the opening!?" I shout, bouncing on my heels.

"I got the opening!" He yells, opening his arms as I pounce into them. Ed swings me around. I'm really happy for him, he has been trying for this job since highschool and his is huge. RW Tanners' is the biggest business and marketing company in the world and to even be considered you have to be insanely privileged.

"Ed, that's amazing! When do you leave- what base?" I stumble out two questions at once as I release from his hug but not diminishing my smile.

"That's actually what I wanted to talk to you about.." He says as his tone grows solemn. He leads me by my wrist gently towards the couch and sits me down with my hands in his. "The opening... it's in Japan, Taylor. I leave Monday.."

I sit still and swallow my breath. Japan? As much as I like having Ed around, it might be good thing for him to be away. I'm way too distracted on the fact Harry decided to show himself again to focus on him. He'd just ask questions about my past I'm not prepared to answer to him.

"How long?" I whisper quietly, Eds' thumb rubbing circles on my fist.

"A little over 3 months before I can come visit. I'm sorry, Tay," He whispers, wrapping me in a hug. He smells like detergent and warmth, something I've associated as comfort, Ed is definitely a refuge for me.

"It's okay, I mean it's your dream to work there and opportunities like this don't come every day."

"I'm glad you understand, i'll call as much as I can, okay?" He says, pulling me out of the hug slowly.

"Of course, and don't worry about it, whenever you have time," I smile as he brushes his nose against mine then to my cheek.

"You're amazing, you know that?"

"So I've been told," I tease, pecking his lips lightly back. He tries to deepen it but I pull back gently, lightly pushing him back by his shirt. "It's been a really long day, Ed. I'm sorry, I probably need to get back to bed."

"Okay, i'll call you tomorrow then," He says, his voice dropping disappointment.

"Alright, night." I reply, grinning half-heartedly.

"Night Tay," He whispers, pecking my cheek again before disappearing out the door.

What a day..

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