Chappie11: Ooops I forgot!!!

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Chappie11:  Ooops I forgot!!!


Some say peace can never be a part of human life these days. Well, I disagree with them. Because the last few days for me has been in every aspect- peaceful.

After my revenge night with Luke and framing him up which landed him out of the club. Yes my friends, it has been peace and peace to me alone.

He didn’t show up at any of the gatherings we had; didn’t send me any scary messages; didn’t stalk me; basically he evaporated in thin air.

It was as if he never existed in my world.

The world was again a better place to live. Thanks to General Elena White, who won the battle and made the loser Luke retreat from making the world a horrible place.

Of course I did feel bad for Luke. I mean, it must be tough to be embarrassed in front of so many people.  But he deserved it and thus went into hiding.  He didn’t need to hide though, he could just be a little civilized. Still, its much better than him getting on top of me and seducing me.

 The thought gave me chills as I imagined his sexy body on top of mine. I slap myself to shrug the image away from my mind.

He was a threat to my sanity.

Nevertheless, I enjoyed this calmness and serenity which came with Luke’s absence from my life.

It was a Sunday. I was enjoying the morning lazily.

Actually it was already past noon but you see, I’ve just woken up.

Nathan was talking over the phone with dad about some monetary issues. It was the usual thing every month. Mom and dad would cut off the money supply just so that Nathan calls them. And they remind him that his parents were still alive.

Well I on the other hand always call my parents every week to tell them that I’m still working on the idea of working.

It takes immense patience to convince them to support my living expenses till the time I’m unemployed.

My parents were very non-intruding. They gave us this place so that we can learn to live on our own. But when they come over, it isn’t some sleep over. They basically treat us like teenagers and take over our life.

Nathan and I were going over how to deal with them when they’ll be coming over for John’s wedding.

Going off topic… again!

I was bored already and merely shuffling through the channels. Jessica didn’t have anything planned today. We all were taking a break. The wedding arrangements were almost sorted out.

My phone beeped beside me.

Look outside

It was a message from Edward.

So naturally I panicked. My following actions were due to the stupid hormones. Beware and don’t judge me please.

Look outside?

From where?

Which floor?


Not knowing from where to look outside, I dashed for the door, excitement bubbling inside me.

Whatever it was I had to look outside for, would be outside right? Doesn’t matter if I actually go outside to see it.. Clever Elena..

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