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Please read before proceeding:

This is a short chappie in Edward's P.O.V.

Its about the day after their anniversary. Its kinda connected so don't worry. The anniversary will be coming up in the next chappie as a continuation of the previous one in Elena's P.O.V.

Here's hoping it doesn't get confusing.

And if it does then I'll take it down and put it sequentially after I post the next chappie. Please let me know what you feel.

As usual..like..love//comment and vote.

Luv ya all for reading..



I've never felt this nervous before in my life. It is like my lungs are threatening to burst in my chest since I've been depriving them of air for quite some time now.

Don't blame me please. It's a natural thing for guys in these situations. Now I know how John was feeling.

I will be proposing to the love of my life, my Elena.

Yes, today I will let her know how much she means to me. I cannot imagine my life without her. My whole entity depends on her.

These kind of things I can only imagine of telling her. But when she is in front of me, I get speechless.

Her beauty and spark mesmerizes me every time I look at her and the words just dissolve in my mouth. It pains me when I see her disappointed face when I don't respond to her romantic words. But that is just how I am. I cannot express how much I love being with her.

I must be a psycho for not responding to my gorgeous girlfriend but I've had reasons. She never once complained about it and I love her more for that. She never pushes my buttons.

But not anymore. I will no longer abstain myself from loving her open heartedly. She is the one who has filled my life with happiness and everything beyond it.

All these feelings of mine might seem gay to someone but I don't care. She has made me the happiest person on this planet.

After the most amazing anniversary I spent with her yesterday, my decision to marry her has strengthened ten folds.

I would have proposed her last night only but it was late and she was exhausted. Not to mention I had forgotten the ring back at home.

Don't ask me how I managed to leave the ring behind when I had planned on proposing her during our visit to her favorite place. I blame it on my nervousness.

This was the reason why I had to creep out of bed early morning, leaving my beautiful El and rush home. I was so stupid to do that because in the haste I forgot to leave behind any note giving her some excuse for my absence.

To top my stupidity list, I had left my phone on the bed itself. I can only imagine it with broken screen now since it was at the mercy of El who expertise on breaking phones in anger.

Images of a furious red faced Elena breaking the phone and even the cottage down play in my mind and I laugh heartedly.

I know she will be damn angry but obviously I couldn't tell her that I had to come back for the ring.

It has been six hours since I had left and now I'm just six minutes away from her.

I hope she is not so mad at me that she refuses to listen to me. But I'll make sure to make it up to her later.

This was not my plan of proposing her but maybe I would just rush in and go down on my knees before she starts yelling.

Oh! How much I crave to see her shocked face with her little mouth open in surprise.

This time I will close her mouth with mine. And kissing her deeply enough to let her know I can't control myself around her anymore.

As I walk up to the cottage the fear creeps in my heart again.

What if she rejects me?

What if she doesn't want to see me?

What if she is not ready?

These questions keeps buzzing in my head till the time I reach the bedroom I left her in.

The door is ajar and my heartbeat literally stops. I push the door open and the sight leaves me gasping for air.

Elena is in the arms of Lucas and they are engaged in a passionate lip lock.

My mind does a double take and my heart constricts in my chest. I might be having a multi organ failure for sure.

Wait! She was kissing Lucas.

Lucas, my friend who owns this cottage.

Lucas, who is my boss' son.

Lucas whose nickname is Luke.

Is he the Luke Elena keeps complaining about?

There is a whirlpool of emotions right now in my head. Anger, betrayal, loss, sadness and regret.

I take out the Tiffany box from my pocket and stare at my girlfriend who was now kissing LuCas back. I clutch the box toghtly and bury it deep inside my pocket once again.

It can wait in my pocket for another year or so maybe.

Only one question stands now... How?

How could she do this?

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