Chappie 13: An unwelcomed visitor

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I stirred in my sleep and rubbed my eyes before opening them and  welcoming the morning rays coming through the plain white curtains of the bedroom.

it took me a second to realize that I was not in my room.

I got up quickly. The events of yesterday night flashed infront of my eyes and I blushed deeply.

I felt tingles over my body remembering every detail of last night. I turn to the other side of the bed to see it empty.

I creep out of the bed with the sheet around me. Eddy was not on or under the bed.

yeah! I totally checked under the bed. what if he was playing hide and seek?

I gave out a deep breath and thanked the universe. I didn't know how terrible I was looking now and I didn't want him to see me in a bad state.

I tip toed to the bathroom even though the whole cottage was silent. the only sound that could be heard was the faint sound of the waves splashing on the rocks outside.

I loved the sound of it. It was so peaceful.

I quickly got into the shower and had a nice wash and shampooed my hair. I wrapped one of the towels around me and the other around my damp hair and got out.

Not knowing what to do now, I searched for a hairdyer. but I couldn't find one.

not as lucky as it shows in the movies...

It was high time Edward should have peeked in. but then he might have been busy making something for breakfast in the kitchen.

I should totally get down there and give him a good morning kiss.

As I was climbing down the stairs I noticed the whole place was eerily quiet.

I cross the living room and enter the kitchen only to find it empty.

I sighed.

Edward must be outside.

I felt a little bit lonely. Where was he?

I don't know why but I feel insecure all of a sudden.

Did he not like it yesterday night?

Had I somehow managed to make him repulse me?

A loud growl from my stomach interrupted my thoughts and took my whole attention away from my prince charming.

I walk up the fridge in hope that there is something worth eating there.

I opened and notice there was hardly anything except few beer bottles and stuffs.

I bent down to retrieve an apple I saw in the lowermost shelf. after taking it I turned around and bumped into a wall.

I winced and cursed under my breath.

What a stupid wall!!

Hang on, there wasn't a wall here the last time I checked!!!

I lifted my head and my eyes met with confused laden grey ones.

oh my gosh.. Is that Luke??

His gorgeous model perfect face was laced with confusion at my sight.

What was he doing here I wondered. Then another thought ran in my head and I went cold.

Did he stalk me till here?

My brain sent an alarm throughout my body. the alarm screamed danger, but my legs were glued to the floor and eyes transfixed with his mysterious grey ones.

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