Chapter 7 Mom

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It was a calm day at work when an elderly woman entered Gabriel’s office. Julia smiled at her and offered her a seat. “Hi can I help you Mr. Santiago isn’t here at the moment,” she said. The woman smiled and nodded. “I wanted to speak with him but I guess I should have called,” she said. Julia nodded; it was evident that the woman was Spanish since her words were thickly interlaced with her accent. “And who are you my dear?” the woman asked. “I’m his personal assistant,” Julia answered. She nodded. “Well you should know about his habits then,” the woman said. Julia rolled her eyes and the woman laughed. “I can feel your pain,” she said. “Who are you?” Julia asked. The woman smiled, “I’m a friend,” she said, “And I’ll call next time I come ok.” And with those words she left.

            When Gabriel came in and she told him about the woman he stared at her before taking out his phone and she could tell he was going to talk to the woman. She wondered who she was she seemed nice. When he had finished speaking on his phone he looked at her and smiled. “Guess what?” he asked. “What?” she replied? He shook his head and spoke. “We have to leave early,” he said. “We,” she replied. “Um hum yes ‘we’ so grab your things let’s go.” Julia was tired of going out but it was her work and it more than kept her apartment going so she had to stick with it. In her new work never had she met such clients like these. They had met a club dancer, singer and designer.

            When they finally rode out it was late evening and when they arrived it was dark. “Where are we?” she asked. “You’ll see,” he said and opened his door, she followed suit and soon they were walking across a small bridge towards a door. He knocked and when she saw who opened the door she smiled. This must be the client; she was the woman who came to see Gabriel. She smiled and the woman ushered them in. “It’s so nice to see you son…” the woman said. Julia froze. “Wait son,” she said aloud. Gabriel smiled and so did his mother. “Yes I’m his mother,” the woman said her black hair glistening in the light. Julia stared at them and then her forehead creased. “You’re Spanish?” she asked. “As a matter of fact I am,” Gabriel said, “My mom is Spanish and my dad is American as you can tell.” He said and pushed out his chest. His mother laughed but Julia grew red. “And who is this wonderful young woman?” his mother asked. “This is Julia Hastings, my personal assistant,” he said.

            She ushered them into a living room where they were served some wine. “So Julia mother seems to have taken a real liking to you,” Gabriel said. “Oh,” was all she could say. They talked for a while and Julia found that his mom was really nice and that Gabriel hardly visited her even though he was her only child. His father had died about three years ago and had left his company in his son’s hands. It was truly nice to see where he had come from and for the first time did she really notice his slightly tanned skin. They had dinner afterwards, one that Julia felt that she had to compliment his mother. She smiled and when they were finished they left.

            “So what do you think?” Gabriel asked as he drove off. “Why was he even asking her this?” she thought. “I think your mother is a wonderful person,” she said. He smiled and sped up. When they had stopped in front of her apartment she got out and thanked him. He smiled but did not drive away. “Aren’t you going to invite me in?” he asked. “Why?” she asked. He scoffed. “Common courtesy.” She sighed and he got out and followed her. “Did you take me to your mother because you felt sorry for what you did to me today?’ she asked him. He snickered. “It would appear so but no, my mother said to bring you and as for the work I don’t feel sorry one bit,” he said. “Pig,” she breathed under her breath. He cleared his throat and she became scarlet.

            When he had walked her to her door he turned. “Wait I thought,” she began but he turned and smiled. “Common Courtesy,” he said. She stared at him until he came walking back to her. Something was familiar about this where had this happened. She looked as he came closer and then she stepped forward. A memory came tugging at her mind. “Who are you?” she said aloud. He smirked and towered over her. Before he could even touch her she had turned around and opened her door. She rushed in and stared at the door. The memory stayed and she knew then that she had kissed him.


Did you think he was Spanish and what about the kiss hmm what could possibly happen next?



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