Chapter 27 Touched

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Gabriel’s POV

            I remembered the voice on the phone telling me to a certain bus station and after many stops to enquire where I was and where was the bus station I finally arrived. My eyes roved around the station until they finally landed on a girl with strikingly familiar features except the reddish brown hair that was almost burgundy in the late evening light. I looked her way deciding if I should go ask or not, before I could decide though she started striding towards the car. I watched her approach and then stop beside my window. “Gabriel Santiago?” she enquired. I nodded. A smile flitted across her face as she put out her hand to shake mines. I did so and then she hopped around to the passenger seat. I was a bit appalled at her openness; she was definitely not like her sister in that respect. After she had seated and buckled up she smiled and turned to me. I’m Jenna, but you can call me Jen everyone does.” I smiled and nodded as she instructed me to drive straight ahead. She was really a chatterbox but as we neared her home she became quiet. Their home was beautiful, it fit in with the tall oaken trees at the back and the soft blue paint highlighted it even more. I got out after Jenna and she turned and smiled. “Boy she’s had a lot of cake,” I thought. I stood there before she started walking towards the door and beckoned me.


            “Jake I beg of you,” Julia pleaded. “Julia!” her mom called. Julia’s eyes widened and she tried to scream but Jake clamped a hand over her mouth as he tried to maneuver himself. In one last attempt she had pushed out with her legs and he had gone back somewhat but his hands were vices. She sighed and closed her eyes. “This was it,” she thought, “Never in her life did she ever imagine herself in a situation like this. She sucked in some air trying to soothe her parched throat and waited for him to descend. Suddenly he pulled back. She bit her lip knowing that he was only going to do something more heinous to her and hugged her now free arms to her chest. Voices, one, two she could not make them out erupted. “Was she saved?” Before her eyes could open though a pair of arms wrapped themselves around her and something warm with a familiar scent was placed upon her shoulders.

            “Juju,” Jenna’s voice barely whispered. Julia’s eyes opened and then the tears came. They hugged each for support and cried. “What happened?” Julia’s mother’s voice came. “Julia!!” She pulled herself up and then her mother took her hand. “I was almost raped mom…. She managed before her eyes blurred and she ran for the steps. She felt pain, anger humiliation mixed in one. She ran to her room and shut the door before sliding down and erupting into fresh tears. To think that she had once loved him, a total monster. Her mind was a complete whir as she tried to piece together why this had happened. “It had to be the alcohol,” she thought. She shook her head and wiped her eyes. Her arms mechanically went to pull the jacket closer and she froze. That scent, she had noticed it before but she had been too occupied in her thoughts to make much sense of it.

            She pulled it from around her and then gasped. “How did this get here?” The mind cried. She did a mental check of everything before she had ended up in the situation and could not come up with a reasonable explanation. She hugged it close and smelled it. It was the scent of him. Sweet masculine mixed with pine and something more. His eyes came to her mind, icy blue, so deep, so enticing she blushed. A knock was heard at the door and then Jenna spoke. “Juju can I come in please?” Julia was silent before she spoke. “I don’t want to talk about it,” she called back. “I don’t want to either I just want to make sure that you are alright.” Julia sighed and wiped her eyes before getting up and wrapping a towel around herself. With trembling hands she opened the door and Jenna stepped in. “I need to shower,” Julia said and Jenna nodded.

            Jenna sat on the bed while Julia went to the shower. She took a long cold shower trying to wash away the places that he had touched her and the memories that had been etched there. If she could get amnesia to just forget the entire evening she would have been grateful. She stood there in the shower just thinking and letting her silent tears mix with the water from the shower. A sigh escaped her lips as she finally and reluctantly stepped out. This was life she was grateful that he had not actually gotten to the actual act of rape, but still it left her feeling a like something , a black hole had been created inside. After putting on her white cotton bathroom robe with the red silk sash she entered the bedroom and took a seat beside Jenna. “Juju,” Jenna began. Julia nodded. “Are you ok?” A sigh escaped her lips as she sank back on her pillows. “I’m still living,” she muttered. Jenna lay back and put her head on her stomach. “I... I don’t think I can make it to the thanksgiving,” she rasped out. Her throat was still dry as she lay there. Jenna sat up. “Are you serious, that’s what you’re thinking after what just happened?” Julia smiled. Jenna punched her playfully and then smiled. After that whooping that A** got I think we are very thankful but don’t worry mom postponed it. Julia’s eyes widened. “He did,” she asked. Jenna nodded a big smile on her face. Julia gulped. “What happened,” she asked. “Err…” Jenna began and froze, “Hold on k.” Before Julia could process what she had said she was out the door.

            She closed her eyes and sighed trying to clear her mind from every touch, everything that had just happened. Her door opened and the bed beside her sank down. “Finally,” she said and then opened her eyes. Her jaw dropped. Her eyes contracted as she started at him. “Gabriel…she barely whispered. A small smile lit up his face that was a picture of concern. “Come here,” he said and pulled her into his arms.

Author’s Note

Hello everyone, Soo for being such awesome readers-voters-commenters I give to you the gift of another chapter hope that you enjoyed it. Can you believe it Uhh  Lbut never fear more is near just you wait and you shall see the drama  is about to get really hint hint remember someone said she was pregnant right lol well I gave you all a hint for the next chapter hope that you all won’t want to kill me ..Anyways enough of me ranting Please do not hesitate to comment I would love to hear what you think. Thank you and as usually sending out a wonderful day to you’ll.

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