There's a Monster Underneath

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After the exchange of words between King Louis and I, a vampire worker was asked to escort me from the throne room. 

Escort. Such a fancy term for dragging a crazed girl out of throne room who was screaming profanities. Call it what you want. To them, I was being escorted.

We made about a dozen twists and turns throughout the whole palace while climbing at least seven flights of stairs before arriving in a small secluded wing from the rest of the castle. Nearly twenty doors lined this hall alone, the doors built of finished mahagony and freshly shined brass doorknobs. 

The doors all had fancy gold lettering at eye level, swirls and loops accenting the letters. I caught a few of the names from a distance. Morgan. Sienna. Valerie. Probably prisoners just like me.

I was led into the first room on the right, a door without a nameplate, barren. I was innert as I was sat on the bed, the sheets so much more comfortable than any I had known in my life time. I was about as reactive as a rock, only staring straight ahead at the blank wall with only the thought of murder running through my head.

However, the vampire that had brought me up here hadn't left and only pulled a chair from the oak desk to sit in front of me. She was truly beautiful in a completely natural way. Her long golden curls were neatly groomed and swept to one side elegantly, hair that reminded me pain-stakingly of Lilly's. Her cerulean blue eyes shined and sparkled in the late afternoon twilight, the navy in her sweater dress accenting them.

She was a vampire, that much obvious to me. No human could physically be that beautiful with creamy clear skin and ancient eyes like hers. There was obviously the fangs as well when she smiled. I wasn't stupid.

I also wasn't stupid enough to think that she was an average vampire. The second that she stared into my eyes, I felt the tension in my body relax and the worries float to the back of my mind. 

Vampire magic, special powers that a few have once they've turned and I've learned to expect some crazy things. One vampire that I'd heard about could breathe fire, something that was truly terrifying, while another could morph into a fish. Not so terrifying.

If I had to guess, I would guess that the one in front of me had the power to control emotions, just like what she'd done seconds ago. I wasn't complaining, but vampires like these could make the human mind turn on itself if the feelings are too strong and a possibly result is insanity.

"That's better now," her mellow voice said brightly, but her eyes that still gazed into my own softened ever so slightly. "Now, I am so sorry that this has happened to you, I truly am, but I want to help you as much as I can."

I could tell that she was genuinely concerned and I was comforted by the fact that someone in this hell-hole might actually have a heart, those seeming to be scarce in this place. 

"Can you take the chains off my wrists please," I whispered, my voice becoming scratchy from all the screaming I had done earlier. The metal of handcuffs hadn't stopped digging into my skin since they were put on, and that was hours ago. 

The girl jumped as if she was on fire and immediately took the chain link into her hands. "Oh, gosh, I'm sorry! I wasn't thinking!"

She immediately yanked on the iron, causing a flash of pain to shoot up my arm, spots dancing in my eyes. I only groaned, not having the strength to cry anymore. It had been a long day.

As soon as the cuffs left my wrists, I rubbed the deep bruises that had form, scratching away the dried blood from some of the cuts. Like my memories of this day, I could tell that they wouldn't be going away for a long time.

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