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(Caleb's POV)
Grams teleported all of us to Vince's location.
It was an area well away from the territory. It was a bunch of caves and mountains.
Grams looked at the minerals in the rocks.
"Light crystal?!" She sounded scared.
"What's that?"
"An old mineral few still know about. It acts as a natural repellent against locator magic. I'm sure this whole area is completely composed of it. That's how Diego always had a barrier against me tracking him. He didn't need to use a spell!"
"This area is all surrounded by wolfseed. That's what set me and my team off." Vince stated.
It's true from the moment we arrived I've been smelling it. Wolfseed is a poison to us. It blocks our senses from ourselves and anyone around it. Even a drop of it can cut off a wolf from the pack's mind link. With how much that's here, Scarlet was invisible.
"How do we know she's here?" Grams asked.
"She's gotta be."
"Caleb, we can't get our hopes up, I still want teams searching."
Some of the wolves went back but I ordered Vince's and my team to start exploring the caves.
Scar baby of your out there say something, please.

I race off towards the cave, Grams and Vince yell at me but I ignore them.

I can't smell anything up here, there's wolfseed everywhere.
Scar? Where are you?
I then come up to a cave covered in wolfseed.
There's no way that's natural.
I step inside the cave and instantly wish I hadn't.

(Narrator's POV)
Everyone raced into the cave when they heard Caleb.
Orchid and Vince couldn't believe what they were seeing. Blood was everywhere.
They saw a headless Diego and Caleb clinging to Scarlet.
"Scarlet!" Orchid ran to her.
When she saw just how bad she was, Orchid couldn't bear to see it, she turned away seeing her in the shape she was in.
"I want the hospital ready for the Luna's arrival now!" Vince ordered.
The wolves nodded.
"Orchid do you think you could..."
"What if that injures her even more?!"
"She needs to see doctors now!" Caleb growled. Orchid and Vince looked at him."if you don't teleport her there then I will myself!"
Before Orchid could say anything Caleb and Scarlet were already gone.
Orchid fell to the floor,"my poor girl..."

(Caleb's POV)
Every shaman in the hospital was working on Scarlet. Grams and Vince weren't back yet from where we found Scarlet but the second I got here Mom, Dad, Ed, and Marigold were all here. We waited in the separate waiting room.
Why aren't they telling us anything?!?
My wolf was in just as much rage as I was, but the longer we waited the more worried I got.

(Vince's POV)
Once Caleb took Scarlet to the hospital, it was my job to investigate the place where we found her. Lady Roseblood was here too, I don't think was ready to see her granddaughter like that.
The witches counsel was dealing with the Hellflame body, they apparently have a very particular way of dealing with traitors. Ways that I have no intention to learn about.
The place still reeked of blood. There were hundreds of tools and items that I didn't even want to know about. Way in the back I saw a whole in the wall.
"Lady Roseblood look at this."
She came over and stuck her head. In the whole lead to a gain pit where I smelt a number of bodily fluids.
"This is where he kept her?!"
"That's my guess."
She levitated a pair of chains from the pit.
That monster!
Lady Roseblood walked away from the pit.
"I-I have to go...and report this to the counsel." I could hear the tears in her voice.
"Of course, I understand." I knew the real reason she needed to leave.
She smiles at me."Thank you."

(Caleb's POV)
We all waited for someone, anyone to tell us what was going on. Not a single shaman has been to the waiting room since Scarlet came in.
"Why the hell is no one talking to us?!" My father growled.
"Honey please..." my mother grabbed his hand in hopes to calm him.
Marigold Pointed to a shaman. She was an older woman and was looking for someone.
I raced out there to get her, hitting my leg on a chair in the process.
Great job Caleb, great job!
"Alpha." She looked a little surprised to see me.
"How is she?!" I grabbed her by the shoulders, and I'm sure the look on my face showed her just how panicked I was.
She seemed concerned to see me like this.
"Come with me."
That made my heart skip a beat. Was something wrong?
We went through one of the hallways, it was strange seeing the hospital so empty.
"We sent all out other patiences to neighboring packs for the time being."
She took me to a private room that I've never been in before.
"Please alpha sit."
I took a seat on the coach. It was actually quite comfy and it made me realize just how tired I was.
Another shaman came in and she mumbled something to him and he left.
"Why'd you bring me here? Where's Scar? Why aren't you telling me anything? Why-"
"Alpha. Please. I understand you're in a lot of stress right now and I need you to calm down."
"Not till you tell me about your Luna!"
"I have a better idea."
The shaman that left a minute ago was now back, he was carrying something. The sent hits me in a second.
Pine and Roses.
Then I let out a wolfish whine that I've never heard myself make before.
"Somebody really wants to meet you."
She grabs the bundle from the other shaman and in doing so causes it to cry a little.
My pup!
Before I can get up she yells at me to sit again and then comes over to me.
"You want to hold the next alpha, alpha?"
I honestly get a little nervous. My parents didn't trust me to hold Ed till he was three times as big as my pup is now.
"He won't bite I promise you that. Here now just hold his head and neck, just like that. Keep him close. There you go." Through the shaman's guiding, I'm able to hold my pup.
Once he's safe in my arms something washes over me. I can't really explain it but now everything just seems okay.
My pup cries a little and I panic a bit.
"Hey. Hey. Shh. You're okay. Shh."
I rock him a little and soon he goes back to sleep.
That's my little pup.

(Narrator's POV)
Once the shaman had given the alpha his pup, she decided it was best for them to have some alone time together.
"I want you back working on the Luna understood Lowe?"
"Yes, ma'am." The other shaman headed back to the main operating room.
She headed back to the main waiting room and the rest of the Alpha family was there. Before she could say anything they were on her ass.
"What's going on!?"
"Why aren't you telling us anything?!"
"Where'd you take Caleb?!"
"How's Scarlet?!"
"Is the baby okay?!"
"The pup is perfectly healthy and it's a goddamn miracle."
Everyone was relieved to hear that.
"Someone how the weapon completely missed him, it did cut the umbilical cord, but luckily the Luna came here in time for us to save the pup."
"Is Caleb..."
She nodded."He's with the boy right now."
"What about Scarlet?"
"The Luna... she's..." she didn't want to tell them.
" she can't be!"
"We're doing everything we can but it doesn't-"
"Don't you dare say that!" The old alpha growled."you get back in there right now and you save my daughter you got that!"
She didn't know what to say but couldn't refuse an order from an alpha. "Right away sir."
She left the family but she heard sobs.

Back in the operation room, the shaman was working as hard as they could save the Luna.
"She's going into cardiac arrest again!"
"We need more blood in here now!"
All the shaman worked together to save their Luna.
"Lowe, where the hell is Cindi, isn't she back yet?!"
"She's in shock!"
"Lowe get Cindi and tell her to get her ass back in here!"
"Yes, sir."
Lowe was about to go looking for her when Cindi entered. She saw the chaos and state that the Luna was in.
"Please, Luna...please be alright."

The witch and her werewolfWhere stories live. Discover now