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(Caleb's POV)
I'm in a sea of darkness.
Where is this place?
Nothing is here.
I suddenly open my eyes. Taking in a large breath like I had the wind knocked out of me.
Instead of a dark place in the middle of space, I'm at the clan's hospital?
"What-" my throat is to sour to say much more. I look around the room. No one is in here, the only noise is the beeping of the monitor. I take the tube out of my nose and sit up, my whole left side burns. I fall back down on my back.
I hear the door open and look to see who enters: a shawman and an old lady. I get the shawman would be here, but the old lady? The shawman puts the tube back in my nose and leaves me and the old lady. The more I look at her the more I feel like I know her.
"How are you feeling?" I'm not sure if I should talk to her, my wolf is earning me to me cautious." Do you remember what happened? At the island? With the wizard and vampire? You're not going to talk to me are you?"
"Who are you?" I hoarsely say, maybe I should be talking so much.
"So you do speak. And here I thought you wolves were shy."
Us wolves?
"You know I thought you would wake up first. I put a bet on you against the wolf with the gray slicked back hair."
"He thought he'd get $50 off of me. Ha! Jokes on him, huh?"
She still hasn't answered my question.
"Are you hungry? Hospital food has been terrible ever since they were first invented, believe me I know. Here."
She hands me a cup of some kind, I think its pudding. I try to reach it but my arm still doesn't want to move a lot.
"Oh right. Right right right." She takes the cup back." Forgot you had that, actually I'm surprised you're injured, you think you'd be all healed coming back from the dead."
"I came back?" What's that what that blackness was?
"Well yeah." She takes a bit from the cup. It is pudding. My arm might be broken but my werewolf nose isn't." When you went on your daring rescue to get my granddaughter and got the big scare on your chest. No creature can survive getting basically chopped in half. But you were smart marrying a witch. My scarlet was able to bring you back. If I was you I'd get her some chocolates or flowers, maybe even both when she wakes up."
"Where is she?!"
"Huh? Oh scarlet! She's a few room over. You're brother and parents are with her, we've been switching every 6 hours. That's also our coffee break time too, this place has an amazing Starbucks in the lobby. You know I helped Starbucks come up with its name, it was many years ago-"
"Wait a second! Did you just say you're Scarlet's grandmother?!"
"Again with the pink hair! Does nobody see it, that's it I'm going to go get this thing dyed. Listen Caleb honey, when she wakes up and the two of you get back on your feet stop by the circle you'll probably make it one of the last days of the festival, she knows the ways."
Scarlet's grandmother prepares to leave my room.
"Wait! Aren't you going to wait for her to wake up?"
"Caleb honey, I know she'll be fine. She's got you to be there for her when she wakes up."

I jump in the wheel chair and leave my room. I can only use one hand, which isn't good for steering a rolling chair, but I manage. I find Scarlet's room, just three away from mine. My family sees me at the door at rushes me inside.
"Caleb what are you here?! You should be in bed! Let alone rolling around."
"But Dad I'm not rolling around, I'm bumping into this." I demonstrate and run into the couch."ow!" Ed is sleeping on it but doesn't wake up. Of course.
"Caleb!" Mom rolls me away from the couch putting me by scarlet.
"Scar... Wake up. Please." She lays there breathing in and out, she has a mask over her beautiful face and most of her hair is covering her. I gently move it to the sides.
Wake up babe!
"What happened at the island?" I demand, I don't completely trust that old lady. All I remember was that the wizard held us captive after I dealt with Zain. Zain. I thought he was my friend, I'd known him since we were in 2nd grade, back then I went to a species intergraded school. I knew he never got along with his parents, that's why he was a big gambler at the casinos, he'd rather be there than at home, but to think he did what he did to his own kind as well as others! I get sick just thinking about it.
Dad looks at Mom, then at Ed." Will you take him home."
There's silence for a while. They must be talking through their mind link. Eventually she nods and picks him up. She kisses my head and leaves to head home.
My dad sits on the couch. I repeat my question. He just looks at me. Then whispers" come here."
I zip zag over to him.
He arms wrap around me in a giant hug. What!?!
"I'm so glad you're okay!"
"Dad I-" I don't know what to say. My father has never hugged me. He's mister alpha! Has to be mean and run the pack and yell all the time. But now he's showing a different side. One that's kinder, more fatherly I guess.
After a long hug, he looks at me. I don't know what to say next so I just stare at him.
"To answer your question: I don't know."
"When I found you two, you were both unconscious, and the wizard was nowhere to be found. I had the trackers search for him, while we got to the shamans. All the found was Zain, or at least, what's left of him. I'm sorry about Zain, Caleb. I know you two were friends for a long time."
"It doesn't matter anymore especially not after what he did to Scarlet." I look over to her, all the tubes inside of her make me disgusted. I couldn't protect my mate. My dad smirks and I look over at him confused.
"That's just like what an alpha would say."
Wait! I actually did something alphaey?! I'll be damn. Nice job Caleb!
My wolf yells at me to stop being so cocky.
Hey I deserve to indulge in this moment: it might be my only one.
My father stands up and pats my good shoulder, still gently though.
"I'll let be with scarlet for a while. Since you're up the shamans will want to run tests in the morning. Don't stay up too late okay?"
"Yeah dad."
"Good. You're mother and I will be over in the morning. Night kiddo."
He soon leaves, and I turn my attention to scarlet. I roll over to her. I stroke her cheek softly. "Come back to me soon Scarlet." I nudge my face into her neck, still stroking her cheek.
(Scarlet's POV)
Where am I?!?
It's so dark an empty!
What happened?!?
Ward! Something happened with Ward. What?
Caleb! Something happened with him too. Oh I hope he's okay!
I get no response.
I just want out of this place!
"Is anyone here!" I yell.
Again nada.
"If nobody else is here taken why the fuck am I?!" I start flailing my arms and legs aimlessly eventually this makes me move! It's like I'm swimming, but without the water. Weird.
Soon I keep swimming and swimming and end up in this light.
I don't have to swim anymore now something is pulling me towards the light. It's moving faster and faster until; I open my eyes.
"Doctor!" Suddenly a woman is standing in the doorway.

The doctor removes the last unnecessary tube from my body. Turns out her name is Clair, but usually people call her doctor or shaman because that's what she is.
"Now are yore sure you're fine to rolling around, your majesty?" She asks Caleb, who's rolling back and forth in the room. He says he's learning how to work it, up he's playing with the wheelchair.
"Clair, I'm perfectly capable of this machinery." Caleb wheels into my IV bag." Mostly."
Clair just shakes her head trying to hold back her laughter. I'm doing the same.
"Listen I'm going to see when the alpha and Luna are coming." She looks at me." You think you can keep an eye on him?"
"Yeah I think so." I say nodding.
She leave the room and it's just me and Caleb. Caleb actually is really good using the chair, but hey why not have an excuse for rolling over people's feet. He rolls over to me, and our lips soon make contact, again and again I might add.
God have I missed these lips!
Caleb sucks in my lower lip into his mouth. A trick he figured out that gets him access to my mouth. Our tongues inter twine in my mouth. I wish this moment wouldn't stop! Caleb moves to my neck giving my little love bites. I ,in return, bite his ear: hard."
He whispers in my ear." Now now my mate." His voice is low and husky. It really turns me on." You'll have to wait for that."
Wait for what? He doesn't mean!
"Well well well well. Look who's awake and sucking faces."
Heart attack! Caleb and I both jump, in the doorway is Eddy.
"Edan." Caleb growls, eyes orange.
"What did I bother you Dorkyo?"
Caleb super speed rolls over to Edan. Eddy didn't think Caleb would be able to move that face, but is now running through the halls for dear life.
The alpha and Luna spoon come the the room, and see Caleb wheeling after eddy.
"Do I even need to ask?"
I shake me head no. It's just a normal day for our family.

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