Death trap

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When I awoke I was in a dark cramp room.
Strange it feels like I'm on stone or something.
I felt the walls around me and they also felt like rock.
Then I noticed my wrists, I was in chains!
They burned when I touched them with my fingers
Who the hell was that man? And why am I here?
Suddenly my little pup kicks my stomach, on reflex I grab my stomach only to have it burned by the silver.
I just as quickly cover my mouth so no one hears me scream.
Right now is not a good time for this Luke!
Luckily he listens for now and the kicks don't continue.
I examine my stomach with my fingertips, examining for any spots where the burn went too deep. Luckily I took my hands off fast enough before any serious burning could happened.
Now my eyes are finally starting to adjust to the darkness and I see I'm in a pit of some kind. Around me are walls of rock, but way way up above a small gleam of light shines through an opening.
If only I could use magic to fly up there!
Suddenly a giant pain hits my stomach. This time I do scream because goddamnit this hurts!
I try to cover my mouth again but I know I've already made to much noise. I really don't care though because that pain wasn't another kick, it was worse than that. I don't what it is but I'm really worried that something wrong with Luke!
"Ah you're finally awake down there!"
Suddenly I start to float up from the stone ground and I head up to the opening.
What the hell is going on?!?
When I reach the top I see I'm in some kind of cave/ lair thing. Caldrons and spell books are scattered all around.
When I get close enough to the floor I stop levitating and hit the ground with a thud. It hurts even more since I did it on my side.
"I was wondering when you'd wake up. I was starting to think you died down there or something."
I look and see an old man standing above me. His hair is starting to turn gray and it's really not been well kept. This guy hasn't had a hair cut in years!
After being dropped I got the wind knocked out of me but I stupidly decided to talk.
"Who-who the hell are you?... what do want from me?"
"Oh dear dear scarlet. You really are so simple minded aren't you?"
"Answer me!" I bark.
He smirks, taking a cocky bow in front of me,"Diego hellflame at your service."
I can't believe what he just told me, this man is... my father!
"Oh don't be so surprised my dear, this is suppose to be a touching reunion."
"What the hell do you want with me!"
He looks unimpressed with me."I need you scarlet. You're the only one who can bring her back."
"Bring who back?!"
"I need you so I can bring her back from the land beyond."
"Sorry to tell you this bud, but I'm not able to use magic at the moment, so if you really want my help you need to let. Me. Go."
He chuckles."you stupid girl. You think I'm going to make you bring her back? My child. I need souls to exchange for hers. What better soul to use then her own child's."
" can' don't know how to- to-"
"Believe just because you're the so-called heir, it doesn't mean that you're the only one who can bring people back from death. I've spent years teaching myself the art of necromancy. After I knew I perfected it I searched for you. With your blood I can call upon the devil and bring my beloved back!" He wicked laughs. It sends chills up my spine.
He scares me so much I can't even look at him, all I do is whisper a word out loud,"why?"
"'Why?' Why do you think? You're the one who caused my Victoria to be taken away from me, it's only fair you bring her back."
"That's...that's not true!"
"Believe me child it's completely true. After you were born, she tried to take you to the hag of a woman you call 'grandmother.' When she did, she was captured by hunters and I never saw her again."
"Then how do you know she's even dead?!"
"This is how!"
Suddenly a spirit appears. She is covered in stitches and bandages! Her left eye is completely sown together, her hair looks wild and unbrushed. She eerily sways back and forth, moaning on occasion.
"My dearest will you please bring scarlet back down to the pit. I fear we have to wait a bit long till the second sacrifice arrives.
"There's no way in hell you're going to get a second soul! I kill myself before you get the chance!"
"Again, stupid stupid girl. Don't you get it? You have a second soul inside of you, we just have to wait until we can get it out."
Diego's spirit picks me up and carries me back to the pit, as Diego starts to head off in the other direction.
"No! I won't let you! You're never going to touch my child!"
"You know Scarlet, I thought you'd be happy. After all did you think you could really be a mother? How could a freak like you ever raise a child?"
I don't say anything back. I don't think there's anything to say back.
Diego' spirit carries me further and further into the pit, and all I can do is replay his words over and over again in my head.

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