The witches circle

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I walk with Pumpkin to her cabin in the middle of the woods. It's a small little cabin, looking like it can only hold two people. She leaves me outside with her dog while she makes tea makes tea and we sit out on her porch. Her skin is now all green and her hair is pumpkin orange. I guess that's how she got the name.
"So let me get this straight. You're only 17?"
I nod again. She still is disbelief.
"Well I'll be. I guess our species isn't entirely at lost." She sips her tea." Who's been teaching you? Your mother?"
"No. I never met her. I lived with humans until just a month ago. Then some werewolves found me and I-"
"What're you doing with those beasts?! You should never go around those savage creatures!"
"well I can't because one of them says I'm his mate so..."
Pumpkin almost spits out her tea. She swallow and bursts out laughing. Even her dog his smiling! " oh that's rich! That's rich!" She continues to laugh but sees I'm not kidding." Wait you're serious?" I tell her I am. "Oh honey I'm so sorry for you."
She looks like she's going to tell me something very important but decides against it. She doesn't want to ruin my image of the wolves if I'm mated to one.
"Listen scarlet I know you probably want to get back to the beasts but you know the annual all witches circle festival is beginning soon and-"
"What's that?"
She can't believe I said that."you don't know!? Oh honey you really haven't been with your own kind have you? Do you even know your circle?"
No. I shake my head.
She stands up and grabs my hand. As she drags me from her porch."where are we going?"
"It's not right to not know your circle! I can't believe I've meet a witch who doesn't know her circle!!" I think I've really pissed her off without knowing my circle or whatever.
"I'm taking you to the festival! No witch is not knowing how the hell she is on my watch!"

We head further into the woods. Then we stop at an old tree. There two other witches waiting for us, they look like some sorta guards. Both have green skin. They hand us clothes and Pumpkin tells me to change. The clothes given to me is a purple dress with medium sleeves. The dress length is very long and goes down to the floor. I also have a purple witches hat, looking like the ones you find at Halloween. I find Pumpkin and she's changed into a black dress similar to mine. We both go back to the witches by the tree. They then grab us and throw us into the tree! Instead of smacking it we go threw it and end up in a giant room! There more witches come to greet us. There's got to be a hundred or so at least! All look around Pumpkin age, more are older though. Wow! To think there's so many witches here!
"Scarlet come here please." I follow Pumpkin there we meet two other witches. One with green skin and one with silver eyes.
"This is Blossom and Raine. Ladies this is scarlet."
"Oh my a newling!"
"What's your circle? Im a Jinx. Are you a Jinx? You look like a Jinx. You're a Jinx aren't ya?"
What the hell is a Jinx?!" No I don't think I am."
"She doesn't have on Raine."
"Oh my how sad."
Will someone please tell me what's so wrong about not having a circle!? Can't I be a circle less witch!!?
"Well I was hoping Blossom you could have Indigo look to see what circle she's in. She still
owes you for that vampire hand you for her."
"But she's such a witch! It was trouble enough getting that hand so she'd leave me the position alone! Everyday bitch bitch bitch bitch! I eventually told her to leave me alone and That she didn't owe me. Cause all she did after was bitch about how to pay me back. Did I tell you she set my house on fire, twice?"
"Yes every timeI see you. But please will you ask. she's a Stone and they're good at these sorta things."
"Fine! But you owe me Pumpkin!" blossom walks up to me. "Hold still." She grabs my hair. Chopping off a piece! Hey! She then leaves looking for Indigo.
"Don't take it personal Blossom is always a drama witch. You should've seen us at your age."
"Ah to be your age again!" Pumpkin looks lost in thought.
She doesn't answer Raine grabs my hand." Let the old bat relive her glory days. Oh my you can meet everyone else now! Come on! I'm
Sure everyone will have something for you!"

Well I must admit. These witches are pretty damn cool! I've learned so much in the time I've been here! The circles that Pumpkin was talking about are in a way your family. They look after you and look after them. Mostly the circles are used for really powerful spells or when someone is entering the circle because of marriage. A marriage hasn't happened in 13 centuries though. Warlocks are small in numbers as is and with us being hunted...
"Hey scarlet! Here's some more for you!" Raine hands me a stack of books. Spell books to be exact. Word spread fast that a new witch was here and in other words that meant; give her all your old stuff you don't want! Apparently witches are total pack rats, and instead of throwing things away they give it to young witches. Don't get me wrong I love a spell book, but not 137 of them!
"Please Raine I can't take all of these."
"Oh no you don't! You're taking them! I've been waiting 38years to get rid of my old books. Plus you need them if you want to read wicken."
"Our native tongue." She says like it so obvious.
"Oh..." I didn't know we had our own language. Ward has had me reading books in wizardairen, which is wizards language. It's one of the hardest languages I've ever seen!
"Little pink witch girl!" I hear a voice yell.
"Scarlet!!" I hear another.
Blossom and Pumpkin soon join Raine and I. They're out of breath and have a look of shock on their faces. Uh oh.
"We need. you. to come with. us." They huff.
Raine and I follow them. Once Pumpkin catches her breath she explains where we are going.
"So Blossom asked Indigo and she actually find your circle!!"
"Oh my she did?!" Raine and I couldn't believe it.
Wow. She found me my family. I could actually have a family?! A mom. Dad. Siblings. I feel my stomach turn in excitement!
Soon we come down to a dark hallway. Only light is a small flame floating above a door.
"Poison oak! Doesn't your circle clean?!" Raine asked.
"Shhhhh." Pumpkin smacks her arm." Don't say that about an elder!"
"'Elder?'" I repeat confused. What the hell is an elder?
"Elders are witches on there last 5 or less centuries. The amount of knowledge and power they have is incredible!" Pumpkin explains in awe.
"Yeah yeah yeah. They're amazing. Can we please go in." Raine pushes us to the door.
Blossom knocks. We hear a old voice say enter. The door slowly opened.
Hell no I'm not going in there! It's so dark I can't even see a inch in the room! Raine nudged me into the door. I slowly walk in. The door slams behind me, Pumpkin, Blossom, and Raine stay outside. Great.
"Excuse me?" Nothing." Is anyone here?" Nope." Helloooo?"
The room lights up. Now that I can see it's actually well kept, but it also looks unused. The caldron is clean and has dust inside, jars of things for spells are unopened, and the books look like they haven't been touched in so long that they're glued to the book shelf and each other.
"It all feels so lonely." I say out loud.
"It has been."
Heart attack! I look over to the voice. There's an old woman In a wheel chair and this woman is old! I think her wrinkles' wrinkles have wrinkles.
"So you're scarlet."
"Who are you?"
"I am Orchid Rosemoon. Head of the Rosemoon circle, and soul member. Or at least so I thought. Now that I see you I know I'm not alone anymore."
"Are you saying-" she nods.
"Yes scarlet. I am your grandmother."

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