Forever together or apart

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"Scarlet welcome to the Hellflame desert!"
There's nothing but sand and more sand here. In a way it's kinda pretty. Kinda.
"Here put this on," she hands me a witch hat with cloth that drapes over my face. It's bright white and has a flam design on it,"it'll match the rest of your outfit. Hurry up!"
I look at my outfit, it's changed! Now it's all white and instead of a black dress it's a long white shirt and grey pants. Like the hat it's covered in flame marks too.
"When I said hurry up I meant hurry up!"
I put on my hat and quickly follow her, as we
enter the hells of the Hellflame desert.

(Caleb's POV)
I can't believe Scar left me like that...
She was the only thing I needed and now...
What am I going to do without her?! I need her! I need my mate!!
"Caleb!" Gram sends a thorny whip across my hand. I growl at her.
"No no no! You are not growling at me! You need to train and here you are pouting like a pathetic dog because my granddaughter is out training."
"I don't need to read these stupid books Gram!" Werewolf schooling goes to age 16. I don't need anymore teachers! I need to find my mate.
"For the hundredth time don't call me that! And you do too need to learn this!"
"No I really don't." I'm not a witch like Scar I don't need to know all this crap!
"Yeah you really do!"
"No I don't."
"Yes you do!"
We've had this argument more time then I can count. It starts off with schooling then turns into blaming each for making Scarlet leave and then ends with one or both of us storming off in different directions. This old lady has a temper and I'm not letting her push me around on my lands!
"No I don't old hag!"
Her vines grab me and throw me across the room. This has also happened more times then I can count too.
"Then prove it dog boy. Show me you can beat me than I won't make you train anymore. Deal?"
I shift into my wolf form in an instant. This is going be fun!

(Scarlet's POV)
Deanie hands my meal. Burnt rat on a stick.
She takes a bit and I see the inside purple coloring of the rat. Or maybe this is lizard?
"What's wrong don't you like it?"
I take a small bite and slowly chew. The more I chew he more bearable it tastes.
"You did good with training today."
"Oh thank you!"
"That wasn't a compliment. You only did good not excellent."
"Was my father an excellent when he was training?"
"He was a wonderful student. He mastered everything I was allowed to teach him."
"Everything you were allowed?"
"Yes, I could only teach him the basics: curses, lavation, things like that. See the devil has to approve the Hellflame's heir for them to learn the Hellflame's special magic. Talking to the dead, summoning souls, speaking satanic, the stuff I've been teaching you."
"Why'd the Devil not allow my father to learn those things?"
She shrugs,"that old devil got no logic in him, but he got his reasons. When my son learned he was forbidden to learn the Hellflame's secrets, he was furious. He didn't understand why I couldn't teach him, but I was bound by the laws of my ancestors. He though I didn't love him and hated having him for a son, so he decided to leave. He was no older than you are now, and he just left. I haven't seen him since either."
"Deanie..." To think all this time she's been wondering about my father all this time, and now she'll never see him again.
"But I know he's still alive at least."
"He's alive?!"
"You really do like repeating me don't you? Yes I know he's a live. One thing that devil can tell me is if a Hellflame is dead or not. Can't tell me where they are though."
"Why not use a locator spell?"
"Well I think because he doesn't want to be found. If he really wanted to see me he would, as a mother I do owe him that. Diego is a smart warlock, he knows what he can do and chooses what he doesn't want to do."

Wow. My father must be an amazing man. I really wish I could meet him, at least once. What's he like? How'd he meet my mother? Did you know she was pregnant? Did you plan on more kids or was I the only one? What do we have in common? All those Father's Day and birthdays all missed, all that time is gone.

"Scarlet. It's time to sleep. We've got a big day tomorrow, Reaper and Soul still want to chat with you."
I roll my eyes remembering those two.
"But Deanie-"
I look back at Deanie and she's already fast asleep snoring away. Quite loud I might add.
I blow out the fire and look up at the stars.
I wonder what Caleb is doing right now?
I was kinda mad at him when I last saw him, sure he's not happy with me for leaving like that either. I've tried mind linking him once or twice, but there's too great a distance. I wonder how he's getting along with grandmother, hopefully she won't train him too hard.
Good night my Caleb. I love you. Hopefully we'll be together soon.

(Narrator's POV)
Days have turned into weeks and weeks turned into months since Caleb and Scarlet last saw each other. Everyday they missed one another even more than the day prior. Scarlet has become and excellent necromancer. She has bonded with two twin spirits named Reaper and Soul. The two have became her shadow and watch her every second making sure she's safe from harm. They only speak satanic, but are actually rather shy when it comes to ghost. Other than Scarlet no Hellflame has ever been able to bond with Reaper and Soul. Scarlet doesn't know this but Deanie is actually extremely proud of her granddaughter. She can tell she's her son's daughter.
Scarlet isn't the only one improving one her magic, Caleb has too. He still doesn't completely get along with lady Roseblood, but their own relationship has improved a little. Caleb mostly has been busy taking over as Alpha. He basically runs the pack now, technically he can't become the official Alpha until Scarlet returns, but his father hardly does any Alpha related work. He's more on the front lines with the betas. Which is a good thing since the pack's territory has been under numerous attacks in the past two years. None of the wolves know for sure who's even attacks, mostly fires are being set or property is being damaged. Only a few have been mildly injured.
After the wolves released the people trapped by Ward and Zain, many good things have been to other species of supernaturals, mainly the witches. When the wolves were searching through the cages they found a girl werewolf hidden in a small cage buried deep in the prison. She didn't even know how to shift, the Moonblood pack took her in and gave her the name Marigold, because her hair was the color of marigolds. When Edian turned 16, he knew right then that Marigold was actually his mate. He hasn't been able to leave her side since.
A lot has happened in two years, especially for Scarlet.

(Scarlet POV)
I remember the day Deanie told me.
I awoke later than usual, Deanie holds a strict schedule and was furious when she found me sleeping in. She sent hundreds of scorpions in my bed and I was up in five seconds.
When I was awake though, I immediately needed to find a place to throw up. I'd been feeling sick for a while but I hadn't had to throw up, not like this!
Deanie then decided she should run some tests to see what was wrong with me, I thought one of the damn scorpions bite me and I'd been poisoned.
"No Scarlet. Scorpions don't poison you, their Venom is actually very healthy for us witches, keeps us looking young. No you've got something must worst than that. Something that's going to ruin the rest of your life."
"Cancer?!" I going to die!
"What? No! You're pregnant. God cancer nothing compared to this. Scarlet?"
I instantly passed out from hearing this news.

That was who knows how long ago. My best guess was a few months because now I have a visible baby bump.
Looking at still makes my eyes grow wide.
God, pregnant me. With Caleb's kid.
What'll he say when he sees me? I really hope he's okay with This kid. I know we're only 18 but in a few months will be parents!
"Scarlet!" I hear Deanie from across the sand dunes.
Reaper and Soul yelp informing me that Deanie has finished making dinner.
"Yeah I heard her guys."
They really watch out for me all the time, like little guardian angles. They more remind me of dogs sometimes though, they always fight for attention. I even have been teaching them tricks, instead of dog treats I use dead lizards, I'm working on teaching them to roll over.
We're slowly getting there.

After dinner Deanie and I have our nightly chats I've grown accustomed to.
"So when you gonna go back?"
"You know to Caleb and all them. You've almost finished your training and that kid ain't going to be waiting much longer."
I put my hands on my stomach,"you think he'll be okay with it?"
"So that's what's been bothering you."
"It's not been bothering me!"
"Sometimes I really gotta thank Mother Nature and goddamn genetics. I swear you're worse than I was."
"...No. You just gotta go for it hon! Facing your fears is what people do. Especially Hellflames."
"But it's been like five months since I saw him. Do you really-"
"For the hundredth time hon yes! Gez most pregnant girls get pissed easily you get wimpy."
"I'm not wimpy!"
"Then prove it. Morning light rises and you go."
"You've gotten tired of me already" I tease.
"You've stayed here to long Scarlet."
Too long it's only been a few months.
"I had to extent your training because of the baby, but-well-lets just say that your werewolf boy really needs you. That's whole pack does."
"Why?! What's happened?! Is Caleb okay!?"
"He's fine but Eyes had a vision."
Eyes is Deanie's spirit she's bonded with. All Hellflames bond to spirits and those spirits help guide us through our lives. Eyes has the ability to see the future.
"She saw bad things happening. Mayhem and distraction. Those werewolves need you Scarlet they can't handle what's coming."
"What's coming?"
"Your father."

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