The broken seal

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I awoke in my room, man did I have a headache.
"I thought the seal not being broken caused headaches," I say out load to myself. nobody was in here. Or so I thought.
"That's just pain protégé." I hear Ward say as he comes into my room he had what looked like food on a tray. he placed the tray on my bed. hey! What do you know it was food! Waffles too! I start to eat the syrup covered treats while Ward sits next to my bed.
"How long have I been asleep?" I ask in between chomps.
"About three weeks." shit! Ward must see the look on my face" nah just kidding more like three days." oh like that's any better.
"Do you feel anything weird or strange? How about weak or dizzy? You have to take it easy for a few days okay?"
"Taking it easy isn't going to be an option." a voice says in my doorway. its Vince.
"What do you mean?"
"Well I found out that three days ago that both Edan and Caleb are on their way back. they'll be back tonight."
I'm meeting Caleb today!? I can't meet him yet!? I start to feel like I'm going to through up. I breath hard gasping for air, a storm starts rolling in and it begins to rain. hard.
Ward and Vince both look outside them Ward looks at me.
"Scarlet don't worry. no need to get nervous, I mean not like the dude gonna hate I mean I meet you for only a little while, and I already love you. but not in like a creepy way. and when I undid your seal you fell on your face. I thought you'd have a broken nose but then you didn't have one and I was like 'few not getting fired' so your tuff and that's always a good quality to have for a Luna."
I still can't believe he's my teacher.
Vince smacks his head" what you just said even sounded stupid to me. scarlet I'd suggest stopping the storm because Caleb and Edan our running back here so unless you want to smell wet dog for two weeks. stop. the. storm."
"Vince, I hate to break it to you but after a seal is broken wizards don't have control over there's powers for at least a month so she cant. And you think I say stupid things." he said that last sentence quieter but we all still heard it. what Ward didn't see was that I stopped after Vince mentioned wet dog. I pointed outside, Ward looked. the look on his face. "well now I kinda feel stupid."
Vince didn't hold in his laughs. "Yep you wizard sand witches 'exactly the same.' I don't blame you feeling stupid. trust me scarlet don't trust this guy to be your math tutor." Vince continued to laugh as he leaves the room.
Ward looks down to the floor.i feel likes he heard that one too many times. another storm rolls in only I didn't cause it this time.
"Ward..." I try to get up and go to him but one I can't move my legs real well and two he puts a hand up. "don't. you need rest." he ready to leave then looks at me."you know scarlet if you thought you were lucky. like you finally like you belong, and you had a family, sorry but you were dead wrong. only members of the same species can truly understand each other. that applies in our world. I feel sorry for you scarlet..." he closes the door as the storm continues to rumble outside.

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