The beginning

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It all started a little before my 18th bday.

I've lived in the foster until I was twelve, but on my thirteenth birthday stuff started happening to my foster parents' homes. Fires, earthquakes, floods, and tornados. One of each would hit them after a month of me living there, eventually I was placed in the orphanage system by 13,now at 17, I've been in there ever since, but those same fires, tornados, floods, and earthquakes kept occurring at the orphanages too but since I couldn't go back in to foster homes I ended but making rotations from orphanage to orphanage. Today I'm moving to my 27th house. I hate the system they have set up for kids with no families, I don't know anything about my parents, but nobody else does either I was found just days after my birth in a park no mom, no dad, nobody. I was found at Scarlet Park so I got the name scarlet. Few actually call me that see I've got the reputation of the whole natural disaster following me, so many people call me 13. Since 13 is known as unlucky and I entered the system at 13.
"We are here 13- I mean Scarlet," says mr. Tuck he was the guy running my last orphanage.
"I wish I could stay with you and mrs.T."
"Yeah but since that fire burned half the house we have to down grad our number of kids I'm sorry your room got destroyed in the fire him."
"It's okay not like you started it" I chuckle he does to only his is has a hint of fear in it. I know mr.T thinks I'm a pyro and caused the fire. But just so you readers know I did NOT cause it!
I look at my new home "this will be my last one" I mumble to myself. In a little bit I'm be 18 and out of the system! That will be the greatest day of my life sure I could get picked to adopted but nobody wants teens only cut little babies and young kids after 13 if you aren't picked you're basically stuck in here till 18.
A old lady stands in front of the house with a clipboard she looks like a nun.
"Ah you must be Eve HolyWater" Mr.T says offering a hand.
She ignores it and looks at me I can instantly see the discuss in her eyes, " Are you Scarlet?"
I nod."Then come this way."
She enters the house I say goodbye to Mr.T we only shake hands he's never be a fan of hugging me I can easily understand why. The nun yells for me to hurry up and I enter the house.

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