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(Narrator's POV)
The wizard is in disbelief. Scarlet just said she'd kill him. He highly doubted that, but orange eyes did scare him.
"Oh I'm sure. Then you'll get revenge for your dead puppy right?" Ward taunts and taunts Scarlet.
Suddenly giant thrones emerge from the ground. They're ticker than the chains used to hold the witches in their cages. They trap Ward, grabbing all limbs and wrapping tightly around his neck. His is more red than all of Caleb's exposed blood. Ward of course doesn't know what's going on and believes a witch or other wizard has somehow found this undocumented island. Ward looks at the door waiting for someone to emerge, only no one does.
"Behind you Ward."
The vines forcefully turn Ward's body. He is now face to face with the woman controlling the vines, the witch who's mate he just killed.
"Scarlet. How did you-"
"Since you killed my Caleb, silver no longer has an affect on me. Those chains are easy to break when they're just measly silver."
Ward feels the vines tighten around his arms. His arms grow more and more numb.
"You know what I loved about Caleb, Ward?"
Ward can't answer. Scarlet pretends she is answering the question in his voice, she matches his voice perfectly using magic."' Was it his hot bod? That was a teen beauty King if I'd ever seen one?'" Scarlet says in her normal voice it was something else."' How about his personality. He was funny wasn't he?'" She tells Ward he was and was wonderful I every way possible, but there was something else she really loved about him."' Well I just don't know Scarlet. I mean after all what else is so great about a dog like him? Those freaks are complete nut jobs.'"
Now Scarlet goes back to her normal voice." See Ward, you just used the magic word right there. Freak. Caleb didn't make me feel like a freak, rather he made me feel like the luckiest girl on earth. And you took that away from me." Her eyes grow more orange, like the color of fire." But the good news is you can bring him back for me! Can't you?"

Meanwhile the Alpha was returning to the island with a group of his strongest betas. After returning to the clan lands and breaking the dominance spell on everyone, the portal closed and the Alpha had no way of getting back to his son and his mate. He looked for anyway at all possible to get there, but the only way was through magic. The Alpha thought all hope was lost until Vince came to the Alpha's study. At first the Alpha, and Luna, were very mad at Vince for disrupting their search for a way back to the island, but than Vince told them someone was at the door. A 'Lady Roseblood' once they heard her name they rushed to the foyer. They soon meet Lady Roseblood aka Scarlet's grandma. The Alpha and Luna explained to her what was happening, they asked if she could open the portal. They don't know how powerful elders like her are. Now even though Lady Roseblood is powerful, she's also old, which meant she had to keep the portal opened by staying on the clan's land. The Luna offered to stay and watch over her in case any other hunters decided to pay a visit, so the Alpha gathered his strongest betas that had recovered from the dominance spell and raced through the portal. Now after killing some 100 guards, the wolves had made their way down to the basement where the witches, and Caleb, were held captive. Once they entered they entered the basement all stopped dead in their tracks. Most of the wolves bowed, tails tucked between their legs, at the sigh before them.
The Alpha couldn't believe what he was seeing. The wizard that he thought Caleb had killed was now being chocked to death by roses. Standing to side was Scarlet. Her eyes orange in range, but behind them the Alpha knew there was sadness behind them. He wondered why.
Scarlet started talking in a strange language. The Alpha could recognize it, but as she did the thrones grew tighter and tighter on the wizard causing him to bleed. The Alpha knew he should stop this, but then again the wizard kidnapped and beaten him, along with his son and his mate, so the Alpha decided to watch. That way the betas would think he was thinking rather than enjoying watching the show of the wizard getting his revenge.
Once a puddle of the wizard's blood grew around his feet, Scarlet picked it up with her hands and walked over to the wall where no cages where. Some of the witches were yelling in the same strange language, it sounded like they were cheering. Scarlet used the puddle of blood to make a large semi circle all along the wall. The blood then stared to ooze on its own, filling the half circle. Once the circle was completely covered, it began to glow, the Alpha smelt death in the air.
Soon a figure formed in the circle, it didn't look like a man or beast, but it still made his betas bow in submission. Scarlet looked at the creature and spoke to it.
"I want a trade." The vines lifted us the wizard.
The beast eyes glowed. They had hunger in them. It growled in response.
"You want two others as well? You are a greed bastard aren't you?"
She's teasing him?! It was timed like these the Alpha knew why she and Caleb were mates.
"Who are the other two?" He growled."you'll only tell me one? Damn devil!"
She said the last sentence under her breathe but the monster still heard it. His eyes flared." Alright alright! Tell me the other one. Fine with me. Honestly isn't a wizard and vampire a bad comb for a midnight snack though?"
The monster was growing impatient.
"Fine! You want three and then you'll bring my Caleb back."
The monster nodded.
The Alpha grew worried now about Caleb. If Scarlet was talking to that thing, then he must have really messed up now. The Alpha went into the cage he and Scarlet were in, not prepared for what he was about to see. When he saw Caleb, he changed to his human form, his injuries hadn't healed but he want to hold his pup.
"Caleb!" He listened for a heart beat but heard nothing. He searched for a pulse and got nothing. His pup was dead.
"No! Caleb!" The Alpha shook Caleb's life less body. The betas looked outside the cage and also didn't hear a heart beat. They all bowed in silence.
Vince shifted to his human form and went in the cage with his alpha.
"My alpha, I'm sorry-"
"Yes alpha." Vince walked out still in human form. He looked back at Scarlet, she was still talking with the monster and hasn't even acknowledged anything else.
Vince look to the floor, there he saw a key set! He picked it up. It didn't take long for Vince to put two and two together.
"Betas!" The betas ran over to him." I want everyone to shift back to human form and grab a key. There's some people still in cages that need to be taken care of.
Scarlet went back and forth with the devil. The devil now wanted four souls and then would bring Caleb back to life. She had asked once two many who the three person had been and she couldn't take much more of this. Scarlet didn't know how she was able to summon the devil, but she only cares about one thing: getting her Caleb back!
The devil and her soon went back to having the number of souls back down to three, Scarlet agreed to not call upon the devil for another 15 centuries at least. He had a feeling she'd break that promise though. He referred to her as Hellflame. Saying" you Hellflames always have me do your dirty work."
"Do we have a deal, Hellflame?" He asked. He was hungry and wanted Zain and the other soul for a full
meal. Eating a supernatural is something the devil doesn't usually get to do, so he loved the chance to have a supernatural meal every now and then.
The devil grabbed the vines the wizard was entangled in. Ward grew scared, scarlet thought the boy peed his pants he was so scared.
"Why did you say deal?! What going on?! Let me go!!" He screamed as the last of him entered the circle. Once his last finger tip entered the devil faded away and the glowing stopped. Once the glowing stopped, reality started again for Scarlet, especially the face that she'd been injured. She dropped to the floor, only instead of hitting the floor, arms grabbed her picking her up.
"Bring everyone through the portal! They need medical attention!" Vince ordered. Hey he wasn't head of the betas for nothing. The betas followed out their orders, Vince held Scarlet as he entered the cage again where the Alpha still held his pup. Vince could hear the sound of sniffles. The only sniffles that are heard when someone is crying.
"My alpha."
The Alpha turned to him. Vince didn't see the tears but he knew they'd been there. The alpha rose and walk towards Vince and scarlet. He tock her from him and held her.
She wasn't dead, close to but still alive.
He couldn't help but smile." My dear dear little girl."
He felt something cling to his shirt, Scarlet held his shirt but her eyes, still orange, looked lifeless, like she was out of consciousness.
Then the wolves heard something they thought they'd never hear again. A heartbeat behind them. They looked right where Scarlet was looking at.
Lying on the ground was Caleb. Another heartbeat soon more and more were heard until they became a steady rhyme.
"My son!" The Alpha ran to Caleb, Vince caught scarlet who fell back into unconsciousness.
"He's breathing!"
"We need wolves in here right now!"

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