Past, present, future

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After Caleb and I finished freaking about the whole "future" thing, Vince had us all sit down so we could fully understand what's going on.
"Okay, so somehow you two are from the past. I don't know how but you're here."
Caleb and I have a pretty good idea.
Are you going to tell them?
Do I have to?
"Actually I have a pretty good idea." I explain the how I was trying to make my lotion, in hopes of getting rid of these terrible stretch marks, but we ended up messing the potion."after that I ended up here Luke found me and took me to the manor."
"I followed Scar after she disappeared and ended up here too."
"But Vince isn't time travel magic not possible.
Grandmother always said witches can never alter time and space."
"But mom-er- Scar,"Caleb growls at Luke calling me by his nickname. Caleb doesn't like anyone calling me by it other than him. Luke jumps a little."er-ma'am you make it all the time. It's a main good we produce here, the pack is known for it."
"Yes Luke but we didn't always make it, we started right before you were born..."Vince starts to put it all together."oooooh!"
I still can't believe Luke is my kid. The more I look at him the more I realize that he's another Caleb. Only difference is that his hair has a pink tint, but not the Roseblood whole head of pink. Too bad he'd look really cute with pink hair. He does have the Roseblood mark on his wrist, I can't believe I didn't see it till he showed me. It's in plain view.
"Listen I'm going to call the alpha an Luna-er-scarlet and Caleb, future yous, -er present yous. Man this is confusing. I'll just be right back."
Vince quickly exits the living room, leaving me, Luke and Caleb to awkwardly sit and stare at each other.
Say something Caleb!
I don't know... Some father, son shit.
I don't have a kid yet, he's in your stomach!
Just say something.
No you!
Fine."so Luke how old are you?"
"He's almost the same age as us, no wonder you look like another Caleb."
"Huh?!" They both say in unison.
"You have his eyes and everything; I did wish you got my hair though. You'd look so cute with pink hair."
He laughs,"you always say that! Wow I never thought you meant it though."
"Where exactly is future us-er- your parents?" Caleb asks.
"They're at some witch convention thing. Dad hates going to them, usually means he's stuck watching great grandma." He laughs.
Caleb has an unpleasant look on his.
Luke laughs even more." You two have always hated each other? Ha! That makes it even funnier!"
"You really still haven't learned how to get along with her?!"
"Not my fault the old hag is psychotic." He grumbles.
Suddenly we hear the front door open,"Lukey dear where are you?" Wait! That voice is-"we came home early, you're father can explain why."
"Hey not my fault she wouldn't listen. That bat is going cynical Scar."
The two enter the living room,"oh there you are Lukey, say who's you're new,"I can't believe who I am looking at,"friends."
It's me! Older me! And older Caleb!!
Future Caleb runs a hand through his hair and nervously laughs,"hi."
Once again Caleb and I faint to the floor.

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