Happily ever after...maybe

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They couldn't believe what I had just told them. Both my grandmother and Caleb had their mouths open in shock. Those two really are a lot a like.
"Scarlet you can't be serious Diego-"
"Oh you are awake! Everyone come quick she's up!" The Luna screams this down the hallway, then she and four other people come bursting through the doorway.
"Everyone wait-"
Caleb's voice is muffled through the crowd of people all rushing to my bed. Vince, the Luna and alpha, Ed, and some girl I have no idea who she is. She has beautiful deep red hair though.
The Luna wraps her arms around my shoulders and squeezes me,"I'm so glad yore alright! You don't know how worried we've been. You're in a lot of trouble for just leaving like that! Honestly couldn't even write a note before you left. No daughter of mine does that you understand!"
I nod, I've never seen her this mad before.
"Mom I know you're glad to see Scar and all but we got-"
"Hey I talked to some of the doctors and they said you can probably get let out in a little bit, what do you say we get you some actual food, remember you're eating for two now."
"Mom I-"
"Let's get going!!" I'm practically already out of the bed. I've been starving ever since I woke up and I wasn't kidding when I said I was craving meat.

That night I had the greatest sleep of my life. Mostly because I haven't slept in a bed for two years.
I was dreaming about the future.
Caleb and I were walking through the the pack lands while our little pup, I pictured it as a girl, ran ahead.
What was that?!
I started looking around, suddenly Caleb disappeared, along with everything else.
What the hell is going to my on?!
A giant face appears out of nowhere!
His skin is red and his smile spreads all across his face. He's like a creepy chestier cat!
Who are you!!
'You've finally come back! Now I can really begin.'

I sit up and scream.
I'm back in Caleb's and mine room.
I look at him.
"You okay?"

(Caleb's POV)
Morning rolled around sooner than I had wished.
I reached around for her, but had no luck.
When I looked she wasn't in bed.
Where the hell did she go?
Eventually I found scarlet, down in the old dungeon, working away.
"Oh morning sleepy head!"
I look up and see she's on a ladder, in her hands are multiple jars of witchly objects.
All the blood rushes out of my head.

(Scarlet's POV)
"Scar, maybe you should get down from there."
"Caleb I'm fine, don't worry"
He's been like this ever since I got out of the hospital. I swear if I sneeze wrong he'd rush me to the hospital in a manor of seconds.
"I know you're fine, it's just with the pup and all don't you think you should relax a little?"
"Try explaining that to the pup, the reason I came down here was because our pup kept kicking my stomach so I couldn't sleep."
That's only half the reason I came here, that dream I had also has kept me busy thinking. That face, could that be what Deenie was warning me about?
I climb down the ladder and Caleb looks at all the ingredients I collected.
"Troll's sweat, fairy blood, dragon teeth, fish fines, bat ear wax, and acid rain?!"
He yanks all the jars out of my hands.
"You shouldn't be anywhere need these Scar!"
"Caleb I swear I'm nowhere need due and you're already making a fuss." I can't blame him too much I do look like I'm ready to pop any day now, but no I have to wait a whole freaking year before the joys of child birth.
I grab the acid rain, "strange I thought I was out of this, good thing huh?"
I can't help but tease him a little. The way he flocks over me, I have to admit I love it!
"You sure you don't want me to carry it? How about we go outside for a walk instead? Maybe go get something to eat?"
"I've already at twelve boxes of cereal, and you better get more meat, I didn't even cook it I was so hungry."
"You ate raw meat?!"
"With cereal."
Caleb ran his fingers through his hair, I took that as chance to keep working.
"Scar." He whined.
"Caleb I told you it's fine, it's just a lotion. See you just rub it in and your skin turns to silk." I rubbed the liquid on my arm."that's strange it's usually thicker. Maybe I need more bat ear wax in it."
"Scar you didn't add any of this stuff!"
Oh shit.
I look at my arm and the lotion skins into it, then my hand starts to disappear!
Soon every part of me starts to fade away

(Caleb's POV)
We try to grab each other but scarlet is already faded to where she looks like a ghost.
I try to grab her again but as I'm just about to touch her, she completely fades away.
No! No no no no no!!!
I can't lose her again!! I just got her back!
I splash the whole caldron of lotion on myself.
I don't care if I die or disappear forever! All I can about is being with my mate!!
I close my eyes and feel my body fading away.

When I open my eyes again, I'm not in the dungeon, I'm in the woods.
The woods?
I sniff the air. I'm still in the pack lands, but they're different.
Strange, I don't remember having this many trees in our woods.
I decide to ignore the tree amount and focus on something much more important,
Finding my Scarlet.
Suddenly I hear something, I turn behind me and see three gammas. Must be on patrol.
Before I can say anything one of them tackles me to the ground.
"How dare you attack you alpha!"
"Are alpha ain't some little kid like you pup."
"Did you just call me a pup?! The nerve! I can't help it if I have a baby face and look so young. It's just the way the moon goddess made me."
The don't seem impressed by my joke. In fact I think I mad them pissed.
I gulp."if you want I'll tell you my beautiful treatment."
That really pissed them.
Uh oh. Sorry Scar but finding you is going have to wait a minute, don't be too mad okay babe.

(Scarlet's POV)
Where am I?
I'm on the ground me in the woods.
How the hell did I get in the woods?
I sit up and look around.
Strange doesn't look like our woods, more trees. I should have Caleb count the number of trees we have just in case one of us teleports somewhere again. Who knows maybe instead of date night we'll have teleportation night.
Suddenly my little pup kicks the crab out my stomach.
Goddamnit!!! That hurts like a bitch!
"Are you alright miss?"
Heart attack. I jump looking for who spoke.
Standing above me is a guy about my age. He's the cutest guy I've ever seen. Pinkish blonde hair, with blue eyes. All I can do is just stare at him.
Why does he look so familiar? Seriously it's driving me nuts!
"Miss? Are you okay?"
My little pup kicks again and causes me to grab my stomach.
"Woah! You okay?"
"Yeah...wow that was big one."
"Come on let's get you off the dirt."
He helps to my feet, I still rub my stomach, in hopes of calming my pup from another kick attack.
"Here I'll take you to my mansion, you can sit down there and relax."
I'm not sure if I should trust him, who knows maybe in this century it's common to invite pregnant witches to your mansion before you kill them.
"Trust me I won't try anything. Pregnant girls really aren't my type. No offense."
"I'm guessing your mate told you to say that."
"I don't find my mate for a while actually, but knowing a mates girl thinks that is comforting."
I laugh. These hormones have me so out of whack I'd probably find anything funny.
He smiles, he seems relaxed after seeing me laugh. I wrap my arm around him."lead the way-er- what's your name?"
"Led the way Luke."
We starting heading towards him mansion.
Luke. I like that name. Who knows maybe if this guy doesn't kill me, I'll name my little pup after him.

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