Reunited at last

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Morning soon rose, faster than I had hoped. After breakfast, Deanie and I quickly prepared for my departure.
"What's my father going to do the pack?"
"I don't know. I wish I did but all Eyes saw was things he has done, setting fires and attacking the border of the territory, but he's planning something Scarlet. I know my son."
"I wish I could stay here with you."
"Believe me you've been here too long. You've missed a lot out there. You're more than capable of protecting that pack."
"You really need think so?"
"Oh course I do, you're a Hellflame."

With a long goodbye from Deanie I prepared to leave the dessert I've learned to live in. I tell Soul and Reaper to ready themselves. They can easily stay hidden from everyone since they're my shadow. I think explaining the spirits and the baby might be a little to much right now. I pat my stomach.
We're going go home soon my little pup.
I don't know if it's a boy or a girl so I've just decided to call the baby my little pup. I think it's a very appropriate name for the baby.
"Alright I'm ready."
I can't do teleportation magic with a child, I can't hardly do any magic really. All the energy used for magic is redirected to the growing child for nutrition and also so the child can have its own magic when it's born. Magic passes from mother to child in the womb.
I hope my little pup has powers, then I can teach my little pup what I taught myself. Ward really want much of a teacher he just gave me books to read, I was the one who choose what spells to memorize and practice. Some that are extremely handy and know I must pass onto my child.

Deanie recites a spell and Reaper and Soul spin around me, the faster they spin the more blurrier Deanie gets. I can hardly hear her reciting the spell anymore. Soon Reaper and Soul are spinning so fast I can't tell who's who.
I hear Deanie yell one final thing to me.
I can't ask her to repeat I'm already teleporting backs other pack lands.

(Caleb's POV)
"Good balance." I inform Marigold as she glides through the snowy forest.
"Remember to always remain quite when stalking prey." She looks at me nods and tried to be quieter.
Marigold was is werewolf found on the island that Scarlet and my father were kidnapped too.
We wanted to redirect her to another pack but turns out she's actually Ed's mate. Now that they've turned 16 they really start acting like mates, when we first found them they were incredible awkward and nervous around one another but now you can't see one without the other. I still can't believe my kid brother has a mate, I still remember when he was a little and just learning to shift. Granted I told him tips that actually made it harder for him to learn how to shift, but he learned. Eventually.
"Marigold watch out!" She almost slides face first into a tree. I quickly move the tree a few inches and she smashed into a snow bank instead,"You okay?"
"Yeah I'm fine Caleb. Just cold. Thanks for the save though, sorry I was so careless."
"You're fine Marigold. We're done for the day, go inside and warm up."
She nods and heads back to the house. Even though I'm alpha Marigold still calls me my name. She's one of the few that actually do that, nobody other than family does actually. After my father came back from the island, his health dropped dramatically and I had to take over as alpha. I was nervous at first taking on the roll solo but after two years you get use to it.
Suddenly I see Marigold and Ed in wolf form racing towards the pack territory. The two race past me.
"Where the hell are you going?"
"We want to go the southern end of the territory."
"There's no way I'm allowing that." The Southern part of the territory was severely damaged last night from a fire. It's the seventh one since the snow came.
"Caleb you know we're going to go wether or not you say so, plus Vince says he needs you right now."
"And he wanted us to check out the burnt lands."
"Fine." I growl. I really don't have time to argue with them. I head back inside and Marigold and Ed continue to head south. I head to my office and Vince is already there pacing. He's not alone either, Grams is with him too.
"Vince. Grams. What's this about?"
"Caleb again I hate that stupid ass name!"
"Orchid now is not the time for that. Alpha, Lady Roseblood has found some fascinating information about the resent attacks."
"I'll have Scarlet-er- the circles double check my findings but I know they'll probably agree. Those fires aren't caused by natural causes. They're traces of magic in them."
"Magic? How? Only people who can do that around here is you and me, nobody else the ability to cause something like that with magic."
"Hey I know that but I also know that those fires were caused by magic. No if, and, ors about it. If you don't believe me ask Scarlet she'll-"
I growl cutting her off. She knows I don't like people talking about her. Just a reminder that she's gone.
"Alpha please. We need to focus on the task at hand. For over a year and a half these fires have been happening. They're causing hundreds of dollars in property, some wolves will probably ask to be transferred to another pack or could go rogue even. We need find who's causing these and set an end to this."
"Vince you think I don't know this!" I growl," What the hell am I suppose to do? These fires happen when no wolf is patrolling. These fires-"

Suddenly someone barges into my office,"Alpha! Alpha! Alpha Caleb! Quickly come something is happening at the burnt fields!"
The southern territory?! But Ed and Marigold are there?!
Vince and I quickly shift, Grams uses her magic to teleport us all there.
Once there we see the fields have completely changed! It's covered in thick black thorns completely blocking any entrance into the southern territory.
What the-
I quickly race and into the fields. Clawing at the thorns.
"Caleb! What the hell are you doing."
"Please Alpha there's no use in trying to tare them apart."
"Scar's in there! I heard her!"
"But Alpha, Luna Scarlet hasn't returned from her training. We've been over this many time Alpha. She'll be back soon. You probably just heard her voice again."
"I didn't! Scarlet's in there! I know she is!"
"Oh dear. He's at it again. Vincent let him be, he wants to believ my granddaughter is in there let him. You know I think he's going a little crazy from lack of se-"
"I'm not crazy you old hag!! I know she's in there if you don't believe me fine! But Scarlet's trapped in there. I know it!"
I break away enough of the thorns to slither into the thick brush of thorns.
"Alpha wait! Alpha!"
"He really missed her doesn't he?"

After much clawing and bending though the thorns, I crawl out to a clear opening in the center of the field.
That's strange the thorns only wrap around the outer edge of the clearing. Why?
Scar? Where are you? Scar!
I don't get a response from her, and I can't smell her since everything around is burnt.
Suddenly two figures jump out of no where!
"Holly shit!"
I jump back not knowing what the hell these things are. They look like people. But see-through. They don't talk only moan which is really fucking creepy. If anything you can say these things are ghosts.
Wait! What if they are ghosts? Why would ghosts be on my lands? If that old hag got something to do with this-
Caleb. Please follow them.
Scar! Where are you babe just tell.
I can't. Everything looks the same here.
A sea of pain washes over me. I hear Scarlet scream through our mind link. When you mind link with your mate you can feel what they're feeling. Believe me at his moment I wish I couldn't.
Ahhhhhhh!  just follow them!!
I look to the ghosts and they quickly lead the way moaning every now and then to make sure I'm still behind them.
We head further threw the clearing and the thorns start growing thick again. The ghosts just fly threw the thorns but I still dodge the dealt thorns.
"God where the hell did these come from? It's like a freaking maze around here!"
The thorns start to zip before my eyes and head up to a hill further down the clearing.
As the throne disappear, I notice a strong sent of magic around me. Usually only witches can determine if magic but the Grams has been teaching me how to detect it through smells. I can only smell it in strong amounts though and this is a strong amount of magic here.
I notice what little snow that wasn't burnt away if also now covered in blood! Witches blood.
I look up to the hill the thorns are heading towards. The blood trail is only increasing too!
At the top once all the thorns are cleared I see one of the greatest and most terrible sights I've ever seen in my entire life.
My bleeding, injured mate collapsed on the snowy floor, not moving and not responding to my mind links.

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