Chapter 6

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I checked the time, 2:23. I smiled before turning the TV off and walking downstairs. I moved into the kitchen and looked in the fridge for something to eat.

Apples, nope. Milk, nope. Cheese, nope. Green leaves, nope. Lemon, nope. WTF is chocolate!

I shut the fridge in defeat and walked out the back door. I slipped my doc's off and ran down the beach, to the water. When i got closer to the water I sat down and looked at the water.

It was peaceful, just the sound if the waves hitting the sand. I laid down on the sand closing my eyes.


I opened my eyes and stood up. When I turned around I saw Andrews car on the drive way. I smiled and sprinted up to the house. When I was almost there I trod on something sharp and squealed in pain. I hoped up the porch steps and hopped inside the house.

I saw Andrew and another man in the kitchen. I hopped inside keeping my hand on the wall for guidance.

"Hey Ally, this is my friend Norman" Andrew said. I looked up and smiled even though I was in a lot of pain.

"Is that blood?" Norman asked. I looked down and saw a small amount of blood on the floor.

I looked up "yeah" I said. I hopped over to the couch and lifted my foot up and rested it on my knee. I took a closer look at my foot to see a piece of glass in my foot. Andrew walked over to me and sat next to me and looked at my foot.

"Hey Norman, can you get the first aid kit out of the bathroom?" Andrew asked. Norman agreed and walked to the bathroom.

"How was work?" I asked looking away from my foot.

He laughed "Yeah, work was good. What did you do all day?" he asked.

"Watched some awesome zombie killing, looked for food, went down to the beach, cut my foot, talked to you about my day." I said as Norman handed Andrew the first aid kit.

"Okay, I gotta her the glass out. Why don't you talk to Norman." he said. I nodded and looked at
Norman who was sitting across from me.

"Do you like pizza?" I asked as He pulled the glass out. I winced and held back my tears.

Norman chuckled "Yeah I like pizza." I smiled. "Is that your favourite food?" he asked. I nodded my head and smiled. I bit down hard on my lip as the disinfectant was poured onto my foot.

"Ice cream, do you like that?" I asked.

"Yeah I like ice cream, do you?" he asked.

"I don't know, never had it before" I said as I watched my foot being wrapped in a bandage.

"You've never had ice cream?" he asked shocked. I shook my head. "Well, let's got get some ice cream." He said standing up. I smiled and put my foot on the floor.

I stood up keeping the wait off my foot. I walked on the ball of my foot, slipping my feet into thongs and then following Norman out to his car, Andrew following behind me.

Ta DA, tell me what you think and don't forget to vote. ;)

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