Chapter 43- Long Time No See

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Lin's POV

    I waited in the waiting room. We brought Liv here 2 hours ago. What could be taking so long. I want to see my mija.

    "Mr. Manuel?" I stood up and hurried to the doctor. "She's going to be fine, but your daughter suffers from severe anxiety. It's so bad now that little things can trigger it. I'm going to put her on medication to help control it. I'm sorry Mr. Manuel."

    "Thank you doctor. When can she go home?" I asked carefully. I was ready to burst into tears. My poor niñita.

    "She's going to be kept overnight just observation. I recommend that she sees a therapist." I sighed and I guess he saw the worry on my face, "she's going to be fine Mr. Miranda. You can see her now." He lead me to her room. We walked in to hear her arguing with someone.

    "Will leave me alone!"

    "No Olivia! You aren't okay! I know I made a huge mistake leaving you before, but now I'm here for you and i'm not leaving!" The doctor rushed ahead of me and tried to drag him out of the room.

    "Thank you doctor. I will deal with him," I said before anything could happen. The doctor left the room leaving me, Will, and Olivia alone. "Will thank you for coming. Wait outside in the waiting room while I talk to Olivia."

    "I'm not leaving Olivia!" Will protested. "I promise I won't do anything. I just want to be with my sister..." He started to cry. "Please... She's all I have..." I hugged him to Olivia's protest.

    "Wait outside. I need to talk to Olivia. If any of the cast comes let me know," he walked out this time with no protest. "Olivia how are you feeling?"

    "How long have you been in contact with him?" She shot back angrily.

    "What do you mean?"

    "Will said you invited him to today's performance. Also that the two of you have been coming up with a plan to get me to forgive him!" She was so mad. I opened my mouth, but before anything could come out Daveed and Oak stormed in with a tight grip on Will.

    "Lin! What is he doing here?" Daveed yelled before realizing I was in the middle of something.

    "Is everything okay?" Oak asked letting go of Will and walking over to Olivia.

    Anthony stormed in then, "where is he? Where is he!" Will and Anthony made eye contact and it was chaos from there. Anthony lunged to Will, Daveed pulled Will back and got in front of him. I tried to hold Anthony back. Jasmine came in and tried to help me. During all of this there was yelling, cursing, and some punches were thrown.

    "Shut up!" Vanessa yelled. We all turned to see her in the doorway covering Sebastian's ears. Pippa and Renée were right behind her. "Stop it all of you!" She walked over to Anthony and Will and slapped them in the back of the heads. "You are worse than children!"

    "It's okay Livvy," I heard Oak say. When I turned to look I saw him with his arms wrapped around a shaking Olivia. "It's going to be okay." Before I could process anything Vanessa grabbed me by the arm and dragged me out.

    "What the hell Lin!" She had given Sebastian to Jazzy before she left the room.

    "Lo siento mucho. Todo sucedió tan rápido. Un minuto estoy tratando de calmar a Olivia y luego lo siguiente que sé es que estoy tratando de alejar a Anthony de Will. No quise causar nada de eso. Por favor perdoname." I blurted out quickly. (Translation: I'm so sorry. It all happened so fast. One minute i'm trying to calm Olivia down then next thing I know I'm trying to pull Anthony away from Will. I didn't mean to cause any of it. Please forgive me)

    "It's not me you have to apologize to." Vanessa shot back very upset, "Olivia started having a panic attack during the fight. You are so lucky Oak was next to her. We could have lost her Lin!" She started to cry and so did I.

What have I done?

(A/N: Another part! I'm so sorry for the lack of updates lately! I have been sick all week. I only went to school yesterday. I woke up today went to my desk to use my vaporizer thing. When I was waiting for it to warm up I decided, "nope,  I'm going back to bed".  I curled up in my bed. My mom realized I looked like I had be run over by a truck and let me stay home. So I slept all day today. I have been writing the new parts but because I've been sick I haven't gotten around to finishing them. I hope you liked this part and my little story about me being sick. See you in the next part. Love y'all! -H)

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