Chapter 37- Seasons of Love

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                                                                                 Chris's POV
     Lin left the room talk to Vanessa. I stayed to keep an eye on Liv. I couldn't look at her like this. Lin said that she wanted to get to know me more since he and I are so close. I want to get to know her even more too. She needs another father figure in her life. Lin's great and all but Liv needs a lot of support. The other guys in the cast are supportive but they are more like brothers to her. 
      I was pulled out of my thoughts when I remembered the last time Liv was in the hospital. How she responded to music. We sang to her to calm her down, to help her sleep. I thought for awhile about what to sing to her. Then I remembered her favorite song for Lin to sing. 
    "Five hundred twenty-five thousand six hundred minutes. Five hundred twenty-five thousand moments so dear. Five hundred twenty-five thousand six hundred minutes. How do you measure - measure a year? In daylights - in sunsets. In midnights - in cups of coffee. In inches - in miles. In laughter - in strife." I sang. I was going to continue when I saw her hand tapping to the beat. I ran as fast as I could to the door, "Lin you have to see this!" 
   He ran over as well as most of the cast. As we walked into the room Leslie asked, "what's up Chris? Is she getting better? Worse?" Lin looked confused. I shook my head no. 
   "Watch this," I sang the next verse of Seasons Of Love. "In - five hundred twenty-five thousand six hundred minutes. How do you measure a year in the life?" Liv did what she did before and I kept going. The cast joined in. 
    "Five hundred twenty-five thousand six hundred minutes. Five hundred twenty-five thousand journeys to plan. Five hundred twenty-five thousand six hundred minutes. How do you measure the life of a woman or a man?" Anthony sang through the tears. He was crying happy tears knowing there was hope. We all knew it now. He continued, "In truths that she learned
or in times that he cried. In bridges he burned or the way that she died" Anthony broke into even more tears after that line. We all we crying. 
    We kept singing. Hoping it was getting through. At the end of the song I hear very lightly someone sing, "Measure. Measure your life in love." I looked and saw Liv. She was waking up.  
     "Liv!" Lin basically leaped on top of her. He started crying again. This time tears of joy. "I'm so glad you're okay!" She smiled at all of us. Her color started coming back. She still looked sick. 
    "Oak come here," she giggled looking at a crying Oak. He hugged her, crying into her shoulder. "It's okay Oak. I'm here and here to stay." Everyone was smiling and most were crying tears of joy. 
   "I'll get a doctor and let them know," Vanessa ran out, too excited to just walk. Lin giggled at his wife. 
   "Never scare us like that ever again Liv," Daveed said sternly before messing up her hair. "I thought Lin was going to pee himself because he didn't want to leave your side." Lin rolled his eyes at Olivia giggling. 
    "I'm sorry for scaring you all. I shouldn't have shut myself in. It's just... This time of year is hard for me. One it's the holidays and two..." she was about to tell us when the doctor came in. 
    "Good to see you awake Olivia!" He squeezed his way through the too many people in the room. "If you would all step into the hall, I need to speak to Olivia alone. Lin you can stay." We all walked out together. Anthony hugging Jazzy who was an emotional wreck. Daveed was patting Oak's back trying to get him to stop crying. Pippa was with Renée trying to cheer each other up. 
    "Guys we need to be happy! Liv is going to be okay! We need to celebrate. How about we bring some pizza her for Liv?" The cast nodded at my suggestion. We all hugged one last time before going our own ways. Some went home. Others went to the theater and some went with Thayne to get pizza, mostly to make sure her doesn't eat it all on his way back. I stayed with Oak and Anthony. We waited for the doctor to leave Liv's room so we can talk to her. He's been in there for a while. I start getting nervous when the doctor leaves with Lin following. He walks over. Lin looks worse than when we left him. 
   "Liv is going to be in a wheelchair again..." Lin broke down. I hugged him. This can't be happening.

(A/N: I can't believe this story has 2k reads! That's incredible! This means so much to me! Sorry this part took a while to get out. I just didn't know where to end it. Any suggestions? Should I bring her friends Emily, Anna, Dustin, and Alex back into the story or should I create some new characters? Let me know in the comments? And as always any suggestions? I have some ideas but I need some time to pass before I can include them. See you in the next part! Love you guys so much! ❤️-

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