Chapter 16- Doubts

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Lin's POV

After Olivia fell asleep I walked out of the room to talk to the cast. "Hey guys," I sighed. I was still upset this all happened. "She finally fell asleep on her back. I'm sorry she got upset with you guys. She's just scared. She's a huge dancer. She's scared she will never dance again..." I broke down crying. I was losing it. "I don't want her not not be able to do what she loves... "
Leslie pulled me into a hug, "it's okay." He looked like he was crying too. "She's going to be able to do everything she loves again. We just have to have patience." He hugged me tighter.
"I never knew she loved dance so much," Renée said with a smile. I pulled out of Leslie's hug and pulled out my phone.
"I've caught her on multiple occasions dancing to different cast albums," I clicked the video of her dancing to In the Heights. "I may have filmed this without her knowledge." I smiled and put my phone away when the video was over.
"She's great!" Daveed said with a smile. Everyone smiled and nodded. I sighed and nodded. She probably would never be able to do it again.
"We should probably start heading over to the theater. The show starts in two hours." I grabbed my coat from Liv's room and went with the cast to the theater. I didn't want to leave Olivia but I needed to distract myself. Leslie and Anthony stayed behind because Leslie wasn't performing and they wanted to help Vanessa when Liv is allowed to go home since I would be in the middle of act one.
I walked into my dressing room. I saw Groff already getting his makeup on. He pulled out his phone and started filming me. "Are dedicating this performance to today?" I guess he didn't hear about Olivia. He turned the camera to face him. "Today I'm dedicating it to my mom. Today is her birthday and she's seeing the show for the first time. I'm so excited for her." Squealed like a teenage girl then turned the camera to me.
"I'm dedicating today's show to my niña, Olivia. She's been through alot lately. I love you niña!" I smiled. Groff immediately posted it twitter. I should probably tell him what's going on and ask for his advice. I'm going to wait till after the show.

Liv's POV

I was finally able to leave the hospital. Leslie and Anthony stayed behind when the others went to the theater. Leslie wanted to help get me into the car but Anthony insisted he did it because he didn't want Leslie to hurt his shoulder before he was going to be back at the show.
We finally got to the apartment. Vanessa pulled into the parking lot. Leslie got my wheelchair from the trunk. Anthony picked me up and set me down in it. I was able to wheel myself to the elevator. Thank god we have an elevator.
Vanessa opened the door to the apartment and Sebastian ran straight to me and climbed into my lap. "Sissy! I missed you!" I smiled. My abuelo and abuela walked over. They gasped when they saw me in my chair. "Nieta! Que pasó?" My abuela rushed to my side. She was really worried but I didn't want to have to explain again what happened.
"Nothing abuela." I put Sebby down and wheeled to my room. I closed the door, but I could still hear them talking.
"It's a really sensitive subject right now." Vanessa sighed, "the tear in her back got worse. It's only temporary, hopefully. She starts physical therapy in three weeks." I just wanted to curl up and die. I'm never going to be able to dance again. I went to my desk and grabbed my handheld pencil sharpener. I took out one of the blades and started cutting when I head my door open.
"Liv you okay?" It was Anthony. He closed the door behind him. "What are you doing with your pencil sharpener?" He walked over and saw my bleeding arm. I was crying.
"Please don't tell Lin and Vanessa. They already have enough to worry about. Please. They will take away the little freedom I have left." I was bawling now. My arm was still bleeding.
"Only if you promise to not do this again," I nodded. I didn't know if I was being honest or not but I had to make sure he wouldn't tell Lin or Vanessa. "Let's clean this up." He went to the bathroom attached to my room and grabbed some bandages. He cleaned the cuts and wrapped them in the bandage. "All better. Now you mom wanted me to come in and ask you if you want to watch Rent," I simply nodded. I was looking at my lap. I didn't look up when he started wheeling my chair to the family room or even when he picked me up and layed me on the couch. It was a nice set up. My torso on Anthony's lap. My head on Vanessa's lap. I had my legs on Leslie which was a mistake because he kept trying to tickle my toes. I usually find it funny but when your whole lower half hurts it's not fun. Vanessa eventually yelled at him saying it was causing stress on my back. Please tell me she's not one of those moms.
I have to admit the setup was nice. My abuelos left shortly after the movie started. I fell asleep on Anthony once the movie was over. He was singing to me. Leslie joined in before I finally fell asleep.

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